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Liam went home after answering all of their questions, leaving them to make the biggest decision they would ever have to make.

Harry had tried to stay calm throughout the conversation with Liam, but it had scared him, specially knowing that whatever they chose, the most likely outcome was Louis going to jail.

It was just a matter of how long.

"What do you think?" Louis asked.

"It's your decision to make, Lou" Harry replied.

"No, it's a family decision" Louis replied "Whatever I decide it's going to directly affect you and the kids".

"I know" Harry nodded.

Louis took a deep breath, but neither of them said anything for about a minute.

"I don't think I can risk going away for more than 6 months" Louis spoke.

Harry looked at him and nodded again.

"I agree" he said.

"I would miss Flynn's first Christmas, and your birthday, and Leah's, but then I'll be out for good" Louis mumbled.

"We'd go see you as frequently as we could" Harry swore.

"Would you be okay, though? With the kids?" Louis asked, his eyes were watery "Flynn's so little".

"I can handle it" Harry replied.

He actually wasn't sure if he could handle it, but he knew he was going to have to figure it out somehow, because at this point there was no other choice.

"And could we survive this?" Louis questioned "As a couple?".

"Yes" Harry nodded.

"Won't you resent me?" Louis wanted to know.

"For what?".

"You never wanted children, and now I'm leaving you to take of them on your own" Louis pointed out.

"It's only 6 months" Harry declared.

"It's a long time, babe" Louis told him.

"I won't resent you" Harry shook his head "Yes, I didn't want kids, but they're here and I love them, and I will do everything to make sure they're taken care of, I promise".

"There's no one I trust more to take care of them, you are the best dad" Louis assured them.

Harry then got up, and wrapped his arms around Louis tightly, and Louis hugged him back just as tight.

"I will miss you every single day" Louis whispered.

"I will miss you more than I've ever missed anyone" Harry confessed as he let his emotions take over.

Harry had lived most of his life missing his family: his mother, father and sister. But now having to live without Louis was going to be an even worse nightmare.

"I'm sorry I'm making you go through this, you don't deserve it, you've been through enough" Louis said as he kept his arms tightly wrapped on Harry.

"It's temporary" Harry said, and held Louis tighter "Then we'll have the rest of our lives together".


"Hey" Harry said as he let got of Louis and held his face.

"Mmm?" Louis hummed.

"We should get married" Harry decided.

"We will".

"I mean, before you go away, I want to marry you, even if it's just at the courthouse" Harry declared.

The Lying  Game ~ larry mpreg auWhere stories live. Discover now