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Louis pregnancy had been confirmed by the doctor, and he was even given a due date, October 26th!

On the other hand, Harry had gone to get a sperm count, and it had come back clear, but the doctor told Harry that it was very posible that at the time Louis got pregnant his sperm still has some swimmers in there.

But thankfully this meant that this was it, there wouldn't be more kids in the future.

On the 18th of March, Flynn turned 6 months old, which meant Louis' maternity leave was over and he needed to go back to work at the lab. And he did want to go back, and luckily Flynn was given a place at Leah's daycare at the University, which Harry had secured months ago.

Still, when Louis went back to work he decided not to tell people he was pregnant again, for one thing because it was embarrassing and also because he wanted to wait until he was past the first trimester, just to be safe. To be honest, they hadn't told anyone so far, not even their friends and family.

What he did have to disclose to his boss was the fact that he had been to prison and was still on probation, as it was legally required per his employment contract to inform that kind of thing. And although his boss seemed quite shocked about it, and had some questions, in the end, he were fine with the whole situation.

But having to go to work in the morning, was more than a little chaotic, as now both him and Harry needed to get ready early, and get ready both kids plus their things, but they were managing.

And because Louis only worked in the morning, he got to pick up the kids from daycare at 1:30, and bring them home to spend the rest of the day with him. One thing though, was that handling a double stroller in the tube was a chore, and doing it with two crying kids and feeling nauseous because of the pregnancy didn't make it any easier.

"You two are going to be the death of me" Louis said as he walked into the flat with his children.

Flynn was screaming in the stroller, and Leah was walking because she had been screaming in the stroller about not wanting to be in it, so Louis has taken her out, but she was still moody.

He took Flynn out of the stroller, which still didn't make him happy, and he ushered Leah into her bedroom, and made her lay down on her bed so she could take a nap, knowing she needed that.

"Close your eyes, love" Louis told her after he covered her with her fluffy blanket "There you go... sweet dreams".

He pulled down the curtains, and left the room while Flynn was still sobbing in his arms.

"I know your gums hurt, baby, I know" Louis said to his baby.

At 6 months and a few weeks old, Flynn was eating some solids, he was sitting on his own and he was so beautiful that Louis was sure he could book tv ads (not that he was going to try). But he was teething too, and that made the baby (and his parents) miserable.

"I'm going to get you a cold toy, okay?" Louis said as he opened the door of the fridge, and took out one of the teething rings they kept in there.

Louis offered it to the baby, who took it and brought it to his mouth.

"That's better, huh?" Louis asked.

Flynn's eyelashes were wet with tears, and so were his chubby cheeks, so Louis wiped the tears away and then gave Flynn a kiss on his cheek.

"It's okay, baby, mummy's here" Louis told him and sat down with him on his lap.

Flynn leaned into Louis' body as he kept the ring in his mouth, and Louis just rubbed the baby's back to try to make him relax and sleep.

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