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Louis had officially moved back to his flat, but he was still spending a lot of time at Harry's flat.

According to him, being there was just easier for everyone, and he was right, and honestly, Harry liked having him and Leah there.

That Monday, though, they didn't have plans, so Harry was surprised so find Louis in his flat when he opened the door when he came home from work.

"Hey" Harry smiled at him "This is a surprise".

"Sorry, I should've told you I stayed" Louis apologized, and gave Harry a kiss hello.

"You've been here all day?" Harry frowned.

They had spent Sunday together, and Louis and Leah had stayed overnight, and that morning while they had breakfast, Louis said he was going to go home to work some more on his resume and his job hunting.

They had gotten Leah into the University's daycare, but she wasn't going to start until September. In the meantime, Louis was actively looking for a job, but he didn't want a minimum wage job, he was trying to aim higher, but so far he hadn't been lucky.

"Yes, sorry" Louis apologized.

"It's alright, I don't mind" Harry brushed off "But I thought you were going home to work on the job hunting".

"I didn't" Louis pouted.

"Why not?" Harry asked as he picked up Leah, who was playing on a mat on the floor, and he kissed her cheek.

"Something bad happened and it kind of got me down, and I didn't want to leave" Louis explained.

"What happened, love?".

"They called me for a job interview-".

"But that's great!" Harry exclaimed.

"No, it's not" Louis pouted again "They called back 10 minutes later saying they had made a mistake, that someone had messed up the piles of resumes or something, and that I didn't actually have an interview".

"Oh, no" Harry said, feeling so bad for Louis.

"Am I delusional for thinking I can get a job that pays more than minimum wage?" Louis asked looking defeated.

"No, you're not" Harry assured him "And you just started looking, these things take time".

"But I don't have a degree, or real experience" Louis said sadly.

"But you're smart, and people will see that" Harry said knowingly.

"But how will someone see that if I can't even get an interview" Louis sighed.

"Just be patient, love" Harry said, and gave him a kiss.

"Okay" Louis accepted.

"And in the meantime why don't you email me you resume and I can send it to some people, you never know when someone is looking to hire" Harry offered.

"What people?".

"Just people I know" Harry shrugged "We can also send it to Niall, he knows a lot more people than I do".

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Louis asked.

"Why wouldn't I want to do something that might help you get a job?" Harry asked.

"Because you'd be like putting yourself on the line for me, like, what if someone hires me, and then they realize I suck, they'll hate you for sending them my resume" Louis explained.

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