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Louis went home with Leah on a Sunday morning, and Harry (and also Zayn) was there to help him with that, and to settle in.

Obviously Harry didn't stay there over night, and the next day way Monday, so Harry had to go to work, which meant he couldn't go visit Leah.

But that didn't mean he didn't think of her, he actually did, he thought about her and wondered how she was doing all morning, to the point where he just couldn't stand it any more, and he texted Louis asking how Leah was.

But he didn't get an answer, and although Harry knew there could be a reason for that, like maybe Louis was sleeping, or maybe he was too tired to even pay attention to his phone, it made him anxious not to know how his daughter was.

It wasn't until lunch time that Harry got an answer, and it came in the form of pictures of Leah. And as Harry sat in the cafeteria, he stared at one of the pictures of his daughter, one where her dark blue eyes were more open than he had ever seen them, and her cute little lips were pouty.

"Cute baby" someone said from behind Harry.

Harry recognized her voice before she sat next to him; it was Andrea, a woman a few years older than him who was also a biochemist and worked at the University. They were actually more than colleagues, Harry considered her his friend, as they talked a lot, and they sometimes hanged out outside of the University.

"Who is she?" Andrea questioned.

"She's my daughter" Harry confessed.

"Excuse me?" Andrea asked wide eyed.

"Her name is Leah, she was born on Friday" Harry explained, and smiled a little.

"Holy shït, Harry!" Andrea said still in shock "I had no idea you were going to be a dad".

"Yeah, I didn't really tell a lot of people" Harry said sheepishly.

"Congratulations!" Andrea told him "Let me see that picture again?".

Harry offered her phone to Andrea, and she smiled when she looked at the picture.

"Like I said, very cute" Andrea told him "She even looks like you".

"Yeah, that's what people say" Harry replied.

"Are you happy?" Andrea asked him.

"Yeah? I think? But maybe overwhelmed is the word that better describes how I feel" Harry explained "It wasn't planned, I never even wanted kids, but she's here now and she's pretty amazing".

"I always say that some of the best things in life aren't planned" Andrea smiled.

"Yeah, maybe you're right" Harry agreed.

Andrea asked more questions about Leah, and about Leah's mother, and Harry shared everything that he was comfortable sharing, and at some point they were joined by two other colleagues, and the news were shared with them as well, and so Harry knew that in no time the entire faculty would learnt the happy news.

And he was okay with that, because he didn't want Leah to be a secret, she was his daughter, and was now part of his life.

When he left the University, Harry went straight home, and as he took his dog out for a walk, he wondered if he should go visit Leah afterwards.

Would Louis be okay with that?

How often should he even visit her?

Every day?

Every other day?

On weekends?

He knew he and Louis needed to talk it through, maybe figure out a schedule for Harry's visits.

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