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That same afternoon, Zayn and his girlfriend came to the hospital to meet baby Flynn, and they were also very shocked to hear the news that Louis and Harry were engaged, but they were very happy for them, and congratulated them.

Right after they left, it was Niall and Liam's turn to come meet Flynn, as they showed up right before visiting hours were over.

"He's adorable" Niall cooed as he held Flynn.

"He looks so much like Leah" Liam commented as he looked at the baby in his husband's arms "But I think he has more of you in him, Louis".

"I think so, yeah" Louis confirmed.

"So uhm... we also have some news" Harry announced, and Louis could tell he was nervous.

"News other than you just had a baby?" Niall joked.

"Yes" Harry confirmed, and looked at Louis.

"So? What is it?" Niall wanted to know.

"Right after Flynn was born, we decided we're going to get married" Harry declared.

"What?!" Niall exclaimed, and he was so loud about it, that he actually woke up the baby who was in his arms "Oh, I'm sorry Flynn, go back to sleep".

"I'll take him" Louis offered his arms, he wanted him back anyway.

"Sorry" Niall said apologetically while he gave him the baby "I'm just so shocked, are you really engaged?".

"Yeah" Louis confirmed with a smile as he got Flynn to stop crying.

"Congratulations" Liam told them.

"Yes, congratulations" Niall said with a big smile, and then spoke to his best friend, and gave him a hug "Knowing you all my life, I never thought this would happen, but I'm glad it did, and I'm so happy for you".

"Thanks, mate" Harry smiled.

"So? When do you think you'll get married?" Niall asked.

"We haven't really talked about it" Harry explained.

"But maybe spring or summer next year? I wanna lose the baby weight, and I don't want to get married in winter" Louis considered.

"We have time to figure it out" Harry added.

"Yeah, for sure" Louis smiled at his fiancé.

Liam and Niall left shorty after that because visiting hours were over, and they offered to take Leah with them, but they had decided that Harry would take her home and stay there with her for the night, because she had already spent one night away from her parents, and they didn't want her to feel replaced by her baby brother.

"Are you sure you'll be okay on your own with Flynn?" Harry wondered, when the time came for him to leave with Leah.

"Yeah, we'll be okay, don't worry" Louis assured him "Give me my Leah so I can say goodbye".

Leah was sitting on the recliner that was in the room playing with a toy, so Harry went to pick her up and brought her to Louis.

"Bye, my baby, be good for daddy, yeah?" Louis asked, and Leah nodded her head "I love you so much, I'll see you tomorrow".

Louis then gave her kisses on her cheek, only for Harry to then approach the bed with Flynn in his arms, as he had been saying goodbye to him.

"Say bye bye to baby brother" Harry told their daughter.

"Bye bye" Leah repeated and waved her hand.

Harry kissed Flynn's forehead, and offered him to Louis, then he kissed Louis' lips, and finally picked Leah in his arms, and with one last goodbye, they left.

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