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Louis was 13 weeks pregnant (although he was supposed to be 11 weeks), and he had started showing, which normally for Louis wasn't a big deal. 

But it was now, because seeing his belly growing made the baby more real, and he was still struggling with having to pretend it wasn't his own baby.

He was actually just coming out of a new doctor's appointment, and it had been a lot harder than last time, especially seeing Rachel's face when she saw the baby had grown up so much in the last 4 weeks, because she had no right to be happy about that.

This was his baby, not hers!

Besides, her scumbag husband hadn't showed up again for something work related, which was frankly infuriating.

But he had to bite his tongue during the entire appointment, and fake a stupid smile, and pretend everything was fine.

But it wasn't.

At least he had gotten paid again...

"Louis?" a deep voice said.

He was in the tube, heading home after than stupid appointment, and when he heard his name, he looked in the direction of that voice, and there he saw a person he hadn't seen in a few months, and that he thought he would never see again.

It was Harry... whatever his last name was.

"Harry" Louis said in recognition "Hi".

"Long time no see" Harry said coming closer to him.

"Yeah, I guess" Louis said feeling more than a little awkward.

Because he was carrying this man's baby in his belly, but he had no idea.

And he would never know.

"How are you?" Harry asked with a smile on his face.

"I'm good" Louis answered "How about you?".

"I'm great" Harry smiled again.

"That's good to know" Louis replied, not knowing what else to say.

It's not like he and Harry had ever had long conversations, Louis didn't know anything about him other than where he lived and that he had a dog.

And that he was good in bed.

"So..." Harry trailed off.

"Mmm?" Louis hummed.

"Are you pregnant?" Harry questioned.

For less than a second Louis panicked, wondering how could Harry know, because he was wearing a hoodie, so his small bump wasn't even noticeable, but then he remembered he had told him that he was a surrogate.

So he was talking about that.

"Uhm, yeah, I am" Louis admitted.

"Then that explains it" Harry nodded.

"It explains what?" Louis frowned, feeling confused.

"Why you blew me off both times I texted you" Harry answered.

Louis had blown off Harry twice, that was true, and it was because he was pregnant, but not for the reason Harry was probably thinking.

It was because he didn't think he could face Harry with a straight face knowing that he was carrying his child, and that he was giving it away without even telling him about it.

"Uhm... yeah" Louis finally said.

"I thought you said you could do it, though" Harry commented.

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