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Since the break up on Monday, Harry and Louis had been passing Leah back and forth, which they knew wasn't ideal, but they hadn't figured out a better way yet.

That weekend, though, Leah was spending it with Louis, and next weekend, it was going to be Harry's turn to have her.

At least that's what they had agreed on.

So that Saturday, Harry only woke up early to take the dog out, but then he went back to bed, not having anything better to do, and he just stayed there doing basically nothing, not even sleeping, he just stared at the ceiling.

At around 11:30 his phone rang, and when he saw the screen, he saw it was Niall, but he decided not to pick up, if he did, he was going to have to tell his friend that he had broken things off with Louis, and he didn't want to have that conversation.

So he continued doing nothing, just feeling sad and missing Leah, when his phone rang again about 15 minutes later, and yes, it was Niall again.

But he still didn't pick up.

And that's when Niall texted him.

From Niall: Please call me back, I know you broke up with Louis.


But Harry just ignored the text, left his phone on the nightstand, and rolled over on the bed, and hugged a pillow.

It was actually Louis' pillow, and because he hadn't changed the bedsheets since last weekend, it still smelt like Louis.

And although he was still angry at Louis, and he stood by his decision because he didn't trust him anymore, he still missed him. He missed his overall presence in the flat, and he missed his voice, and his smile, and the fact that he always wanted Harry to cuddle him.

He must have fallen asleep again while he thought about Louis, because the next thing he knew, he was startled by someone saying his name.


"What the fuck?" Harry said seeing Niall standing at the end of his bed "What are you doing here?".

"You left me no choice, you didn't pick up the phone, or answer my texts" Niall declared.

"I'm gonna take that damn key away from you" Harry sighed as he sat up on the bed.

"When you didn't pick up I called Louis, because I wanted to invite you guys over for lunch, and that's when he told me you broke up on Monday" Niall said, and sat on the bed too, his face concerned.

"Yep" Harry confirmed.

"He said you broke up with him, but he didn't tell me why" Niall explained.

"Of course he didn't tell you" Harry scoffed.

"What happened, mate? I thought things were great between you two; you were in love, you moved in together, you spent Christmas with his family..." Niall recounted.

"He lied to me, Niall" Harry declared.

"About what?" Niall questioned.

"I don't want to talk about it" Harry decided.

"You have to".


"Because I'm you're best friend, and I'm 100% perfect sure you haven't talked with anyone about it, and you need to let it out, so tell me" Niall encouraged him.

Harry knew he was right, so he took a deep breath, and he told Niall everything, about Gabriel, the time he saw him talking to Louis, and what Louis said when he asked him about it, then his conversion with Gabriel on Monday, and finally what happened with Louis when he came home that day.

The Lying  Game ~ larry mpreg auWhere stories live. Discover now