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Louis had been living at Zayn and Gigi's flat for a week and a half now. And although they had both made sure to make him feel welcomed, he felt so out of place, and he felt like he was bothering them.

And also, he also missed his home so much; he missed his bed, he missed the dog, he missed Leah having her own room, and most of all, he missed Harry.

He missed Harry so much that almost every night he cried about him, and tired himself to sleep. And he kept telling himself to stop, that Harry had been an asshole, and that he didn't deserve his tears, but he still cried, and he wanted him back.

And even though he had been seeing a lot of Harry because of Leah, they only ever talked about their daughter, and never about themselves, which was Harry's choice. Louis had tried more than a few times, but Harry was still being very cold towards him, and refusing to have a real talk.

That Thursday, when Louis left work, he went straight to pick up Leah from daycare, and as soon as he had her, he took her home.

Except for a little stop they made to pick up something that Louis needed, but then they went home.

Zayn and Gigi's flat was in a different neighborhood from Harry's place, one that was a lot posher.

When Zayn moved in with his girlfriend, Louis learnt that, even though Gigi worked and made her own money, she came from a wealthy family, so her flat as well as her car had been given to her by her family, and both things were very, very nice.

The building were the flat was even had a doorman, one who opened the main door for Louis as soon as he saw him with the stroller, and he said hello to him.

The flat was empty when he went in there, but he made sure to take the stroller and the baby bag to his room, as he was trying his best not to invade Gigi and Zayn's common areas with baby stuff. That meant that all of his and Leah's stuff were in his room, which wasn't small, but between the bed, the crib and all of the other things, it seemed smaller.

But it was fine, he was grateful he had a safe, clean and nice place to live for now, and that was all it mattered.

Leah had fallen asleep in the stroller, but when Louis took her out of it to take her warm jacket off, and put her in the crib, so she could sleep better, the 11 month old baby opened her eyes.

"Hi, baby" Louis smiled as he took off her jacket "We're home already".

Leah yawned, showing her cute little teeth, and then she rubbed her right eye with her tiny fist.

"Are you hungry? Do you want your bottle?" Louis asked her.

Leah nodded, which made Louis smile, because his baby was so smart, and she knew the word "bottle" already, and she knew how to say that she wanted it.

"Okay, I'll make you a bottle" Louis said, and kissed her forehead.

So Louis made her a bottle of formula (Leah was only drinking formula now, because Louis' milk had finished drying out with the stress of the move), and then he sat down with her, and gave her the bottle, which she liked to hold on her own, but Louis always kept his hands ready to catch it.

Louis knew he needed to eat something himself too; he didn't  have breakfast that morning, because he hadn't felt well, and then he only had a cup of tea at work, but that was it.

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