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Louis slept on the couch that night, which wasn't uncomfortable, because it opened into a decent bed, but he didn't sleep well, not at all, not when he was used to sleeping with Harry.

But that wasn't the only reason why he slept bad, it was also because Harry broke up with him, and told him he had to move out.

But it was his own fault, wasn't it?

He had dug his own grave.

But even if it was his own fault, he still couldn't accept it, because he wanted to be with Harry so much it hurt, his heart was literally aching right now.

When his alarm finally went off, he was already awake, so he got up, turned the bed back into a couch, fed the dog, and then went to get his baby to her room.

She was still sleeping, but as Louis picked her up, she woke up, and cuddled into her mum's chest.

"Good morning, baby" Louis said softly as he rubbed her back "How did you sleep?".

Louis held her until she woke up a little more, then he changed her wet nappy, and brought her out of the her room to make her breakfast.

As he did that, he heard the sound of the shower running, so he knew Harry was awake, and it made Louis nervous. Because part of him wished that after sleeping on in, Harry would change his mind, and decide they could work things out, but part of him, the biggest part, knew that Harry wasn't going to change his mind so easily, he was a very stubborn man.

So he made Leah's breakfast, but just made coffee for himself, very strong coffee, he needed it after that awful night he just had.

He was almost done feeding Leah, when Harry showed up, and as soon as Louis saw him, his heart clenched.

"Good morning" Louis told him.

"Good morning" Harry said in a deep voice, but then he went to kiss Leah's head, and he whispered something to her.

"I made coffee" Louis said.

"Thanks" Harry replied, still serious.

Louis watched him as he poured himself a cup of coffee, and then drank from it, and although he knew the answer of what he asked, he still said the words.

"Do you still hate me?" Louis questioned.

"I don't hate you, I just don't want to be with you" Harry replied.

And there it was, his heart breaking again.

"Can we talk about this some more? Please?" Louis begged.

"We talked last night, there's nothing left to say" Harry replied, and he didn't even look at him.

"Harry, we talked for like... 15 minutes last night, that's not enough to end a relationship, we live together for god's sake" Louis said feeling angry.

"I'm done talking about this, Louis" Harry insisted "We can talk about Leah all you want, but when it comes to us, I'm done talking".

"Why do you have to be so stubborn?" Louis asked exasperated.

"Is Leah done eating? So I can get her dressed?" Harry asked, changing the subject.

Louis mumbled a 'yes', so Harry picked up the baby from her high chair, and Louis went to take a shower, because despite everything, he still had to go to work, specially now that he was going to be homeless.

When he was ready, Harry already had Leah dressed, and he was putting her in her stroller, and buckled her.

And although he spoke to Louis, he didn't talk to him.

The Lying  Game ~ larry mpreg auWhere stories live. Discover now