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Louis had cooked dinner for him and Harry, and while he waited for his boyfriend to come home, he was feeding their daughter her own food, so they wouldn't have to do it while they ate.

And as it happened most days, Leah was happily eating her dinner, although it included a bit of spitting, but nothing too messy, and she would get a bath later anyway.

"Hey" Harry said when he got home.

"Hi" Louis smiled at his boyfriend "I made us dinner".

"Thank you, Lou" Harry smiled as he bent down to pet his dog's head who had gone to greet him "Did you get a chance to take Otto out?".

"Yeah, the three of us went out for a long walk actually" Louis explained.

"So you're just playing victim, huh?" Harry asked the dog as he scratched behind his ears.

"He's just happy to see you" Louis told him "And so am I".

Harry smiled, and stood up straight, went to give Louis a kiss on the lips, and then he kissed Leah's head.

"How's my baby?" Harry asked her "How's your dinner?".

Leah gave his dad a giggle and shook her hand and feet in excitement, which was the most adorable thing, she loved her dad so much, it made Louis' heart happy.

"I think she has her first tooth coming" Louis explained.

"Really?" Harry smiled.

"Yeah, bottom middle" Louis told him, and tried to show Harry.

But Leah wasn't letting him, and she whined and offered her arms to Harry, who took her bib off of her and then took out from her high chair.

"You wanted a cuddle with dad?" Harry asked, and he kissed her forehead.

Leah babbled, and Harry started talking back to her as if he understood her, so Louis took the opportunity to go get their dinner, and he served it on the table.

"So are we going to talk about what happened today outside the daycare?" Harry asked once they were both sitting down at the table.

Leah was back in her high chair and she was playing with a toy.

"Harry, I told you Patrick didn't ask me out" Louis rolled his eyes.

"I'm not talking about that" Harry denied "I'm talking about you going back to Uni".

"That's an impossible dream, babe" Louis shook his head.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"When I started being a surrogate and because of it I had money, I thought maybe I could go back, after all, being pregnant and being a student wasn't incompatible" Louis explained "But my Uni wouldn't take me back, and they refused to give me my transcripts because they said that being expelled erased all my academic history there, so if I wanted to finish I had to start from scratch somewhere else, and that's 4 years".

"So?" Harry asked.

"I don't have time for that".

"Then do a shorter course, maybe something you could do in 2 years" Harry considered.

"How exactly? I have to work and be a mum, I can't add being a student to that, in what time?" Louis asked.

"Then just be a mum and a student" said Harry.

"Yeah? And how do I pay rent? And how do I pay for food and bills?" Louis dared.

"Well, I was thinking-" Harry started.

The Lying  Game ~ larry mpreg auWhere stories live. Discover now