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It had been almost a week without hearing from Louis, and it was getting more depressing each day, it was insane!

That Friday afternoon, Harry took Leah to see the doctor again, and the doctor officially discharged her from post op care, said Leah could go back to eat normally and go back to daycare next week, which was a big relief.

When they got back home, Harry checked the mailbox downstairs, and was happy to see a letter sent to him where his name was written in a very familiar handwriting.

He went upstairs, said hi to Flynn and Alexandra, and after she left 5 minutes later, Harry sat down to read his letter.

Hi babe,
I'm sorry that you and the kids had to come all the way here just to learn that I was stupid enough to get my visitation privileges revoked. You probably already talked to Liam and he told you how things happened, so you know I could have prevented it by walking away, but my stupid mouth got me in trouble.
I really am sorry, I was so excited to see you, Leah and Flynn, I miss you all so much.
I've been trying to keep myself away from other people to avoid any more problems, and I'm going to keep doing that, so don't worry about my safety, I'm okay.
I've been thinking a lot about Christmas coming up, and what that date means to you, and I'm mad at myself for not being there to support you on a date that I know is hard for you.
You mentioned presents for the kids, and I vote you get them toys, Christmas is for toys not boring stuff life clothes! I'm not sure what Flynn would like but at that age Leah liked anything that made noise. For her now I would say maybe a tricycle? I think she's ready for that and she would love it, if not maybe you can get that for her birthday, and a doll for Christmas? I'm sure whatever toy you choose they will be happy.
I really loved reading your letter, but I've never been very good at writing so I don't know if this letter is good or not, maybe it doesn't make any sense, and I'm sorry if that's the case.
Tell the kids I love them, and that I can't wait to see them. And I love you as well, I love you with my whole heart.

Harry smiled when he finished reading, because the way in which that letter was written was very Louis like, he could basically hear Louis in his head as he read it.

He sat there for a few minutes just wondering how Louis was, what he was doing, what he was thinking. It felt so strange not knowing, when they used to see each other every single day.

"Daddy" Leah said coming up to him.

"What, baby?" Harry asked her.

She made a gesture with her mouth as if she was biting the air.

"How do you say that with words?" Harry asked her.

But Leah only did that again.

"Use your words" Harry told her again, knowing Leah knew them.

"Hun-ny, daddy" Leah spoke.

"You're hungry, okay, I'm going to make you dinner" Harry decided "Should you say thank you?".

"Youuu" Leah told him.

"Good job" Harry smiled.

The weekend was uneventful, as they couldn't go visit Louis yet, he was only getting his privileges back on Wednesday, so Harry and the kids were going to visit next Saturday, as he had to work during the weekdays, specially considering it was the end of the semester.

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