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Harry was a father.

He was a freaking father.

And he couldn't breathe.

He was walking fast across the hallways of the hospital, needing to get out of there and breathe fresh air, if he didn't, he was sure he was going to faint.

He had been nervous and anxious as hell as he watched Louis give birth, and when he actually saw that tiny baby coming out of him, he felt like... he couldn't even describe it.

All he knew was that he was suddenly out of air, and so he had to leave, there was no other way.

He finally managed to get to the main door of the hospital, and as soon as he was able to breath fresh air, he took one deep breath.

But it didn't work as he thought it would, instead, it only caused his breathing to get more and more shallow.

So he took his phone from his pocket, and very nervously looked for Niall's contact, and called, knowing his friends was the only who could help him right now.

"Hello?" Niall picked up.

"Niall" Harry breathed.

"Hey, mate" Niall greeted him "What's up?".

Harry let out a big puff of air, as he tried to calm down, but his heart was racing.

"Harry?" Niall asked "What's going on?".

"The baby's here... she's... here" Harry answered.

"Oh my god!" Niall exclaimed happily "Harry, that's amazing! Congratulations!".

"I can't breathe, Niall" Harry told his friend.

"Oh, no".

"I don't feel well" Harry said as he found somewhere to sit, he could barely stand.

"Just take a deep breath" Niall advised.

"I can't" Harry denied.

"Close your eyes and think about something else, like... your dog" Niall told suggested "Imagine you're out on a walk in the park with Otto, and you're relaxed and happy, and-".

"And about to throw up" Harry finished for him.

"No!" Niall denied "You're so chill, and you don't have a care in the world, and there are birds chirping, and other dogs running around, and nothing is bothering you, everything's perfect and happy".

Harry did close his eyes and tried to picture what Niall was describing, and as his friends  continued putting happy thoughts in his head he did relax a tiny bit, enough to make him not faint or throw up.

"Are you still there?" Niall asked after a while.

"Yeah" Harry breathed.

"Are you better?" Niall questioned.

"Define better" Harry answered.

"Harry, I know this is really hard for you to process, and that everything in you is telling you to run away from this, but I promise, when you look back on today, you're going to think about it as one of the best days of your life" Niall told him.

Harry gulped, not being sure about that.

"Besides, it's Valentine's Day!" Niall said cheerfully "What a perfect day for your daughter to be born, the day we celebrate love".

"I hadn't even thought it was Valentine's Day" Harry considered.

"You should go buy Louis some flowers to take to the hospital" Niall suggested.

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