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Harry felt that things between Louis and himself were weird lately, and he could pin point the exact moment when it started: the night that he asked Louis to move into his flat.

It had been a little over a week since then, and even though they had seen each other since then, and Louis had even slept over some nights, he felt like things weren't exactly perfect.

And he really didn't know what to think of it. Even though he really wanted Louis and Leah to come live with him, he had been very scared to ask Louis, but he had done it anyway, and now he was scared that maybe he had ruined things.

They hadn't talked about it again, though, neither of them had brought it up, so Harry told himself that maybe he should just forget he even ask, and act like it too.

The morning, Harry had picked up Leah at Louis' flat (because they hadn't spent the night at his place), to take her to daycare, and because he was always in a hurry in the morning, he had barely been able to talk to Louis.

And he honestly missed him.

So when the time came that Louis normally picked up Leah, he called Louis to tell him to wait for him because he was on his way to say hello.

"Hey" Louis picked up.

"Hi" Harry said back "Are you picking up Leah now?".

"I already did, we're at the tube station already" Louis answered.

"Oh" Harry said feeling disappointed "I was hoping to see you two for a bit".

"Do you want us to go back...?" Louis trailed off.

"No, it's okay, by the time you get back here I'll already have to go teach my class" Harry said looking at the time "Are you going to my place?".

"No, mine" Louis replied.

"Wanna go to my place later for dinner? We can order out and you can spend the night" Harry offered.

"Hmm, probably not tonight, I have some stuff to do" Louis answered.

"Oh, okay" Harry accepted "Then I guess I'll see you tomorrow to pick up Leah for daycare".

"Yeah" Louis replied.

"Okay" Harry said again "Bye, I love you".

"Love you" Louis said back, and ended the call.

Harry put the phone down as he thought to himself that something had been off about that conversation.

Was Louis avoiding him?

He was pretty sure that he was, because what did it mean that he had stuff me to do?

Couldn't he have specified?

Did it mean he was just lying to get away from spending time with Harry?

Was he maybe thinking about breaking up with him?

Harry's mind kept obsessing over those same questions even while he was teaching, and when he went back to his office to grade papers, because he didn't know what to do except maybe just ask Louis point blank what was going on.

He was still obsessing, when there was a knock on the door of his office, and Harry said to come in.

The door opened, and none other than Louis peeked inside.

"Hi, Professor Styles" Louis grinned.

"What are you doing here?" Harry smiled, and he got up.

"I'm here to talk about my grade" Louis joked as he came inside, and closed the door behind him.

The Lying  Game ~ larry mpreg auWhere stories live. Discover now