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All the other times Louis gave birth he was left sore and exhausted afterwards, and even though every time it took a while to completely recover, a good nights sleep had done wonders to start the healing process.

But this time Louis didn't get that good night sleep, because this time he had Leah to take care off, and she needed him constantly.

A midwife had offered to take her to the nursery for the night, so he could sleep, but Louis refused, because he wanted to be the one to take care of her on her first day in this world.

It was morning now, Louis had already eaten breakfast, Zayn had gone home for a few hours to shower and change clothes, and he was waiting for his family to arrive, as they were all coming to meet Leah.

Harry was also supposed to come, at least that's what he said the day before, but considering his history, Louis wasn't sure if he was going to show up or not.

There was suddenly a knock on the door, and Louis smiled when he said to come in, expecting it to be his parents.

But it was Harry.

"Morning" Harry greeted him, and lingered at the door.

"Good morning" Louis said back, he was glad Harry had kept his promise.

"Where's your bodyguard?" Harry asked and looked around the room.

"Zayn?" Louis chuckled.


"He went home to shower and change" Louis explained.

"Oh, okay" Harry replied, and he seemed relieved "So Niall and his husband are here with me, is it okay if they come in?".

"Sure" Louis allowed.

Harry turned around, and a few seconds later, he walked back in followed by Niall, who looked the same as when Louis met him a few weeks ago, except that now it was noticeable that he was pregnant, as he had a little bump. Following Niall, came in a man with brown hair and brown eyes, and he was carrying baby Charlie in his arms, and Louis knew he had to be Niall's husband.

"Hey Niall" Louis greeted him.

"Hey!" Niall said cheerfully as he walked up to him, and have him a hug "Congratulations, she's perfect".

"Thank you" Louis smiled.

"Hi, I'm Liam" Niall's husband introduced himself "Congratulations on your baby".

"Thanks" Louis said, thinking he was nice.

"Oh, and this is Charlie" Liam pointed out.

"Yes, I've met him before" Louis smiled "Hi, Charlie".

Charlie didn't say anything, but he very cutely waved his little hand, which was the most adorable thing.

"Aww, she's cuter in person" Niall suddenly said.

Louis looked over at the little crib next to his bed, where Leah was, and he noticed Niall was looking at her.

"Can I pick her up?" Niall asked Louis "We all washed our hands outside with sanitizer".

"Go ahead" Louis allowed.

Niall leaned into the crib, and very carefully picked up Leah, who was tightly wrapped in a blanket, and Louis noticed her eyes were barely opened.

"Hi, Leah, I'm uncle Niall" Niall told the baby "I'm so happy you're here, I wanted to meet you since I learnt you were coming".

He sounded really sweet as he spoke, and Louis was happy to know Leah was going to have such a nice person in her life.

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