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When his prison cell was finally unlocked that morning, Louis walked as fast as it was allowed to the phones. His cell though, was the furthest away from them, so when he got there, there were already people using the phones, and a couple of people waiting for them too.

Louis wanted to cry, he had been worried sick all night about his family, and now he had to keep waiting.

At least now he had time to wait...

So he stood in the line to wait for the phone, and waited for at least half an hour, and just when it was going to be his turn, a guard came up to him.

"You have a visitor" the guard told him.

"Me?" Louis asked wide eyed.

"Yes" the guard confirmed, his face unamused "Come with me".

Louis was instantly relieved, knowing it had to be Harry, who for some reason hadn't been able to come the day before, but was now making up for it.

But as soon as he got to the visitation room, instead of Harry, Louis saw his mum, and she had Flynn in her arms.

"Mum" Louis said walking up to her, and gave her a hug.

"Hi, baby" Jay said and hugged him tightly "I missed you".

"I missed you too, and him" Louis said as Jay gave him Flynn for him to hold "But where's Harry? And Leah?".

"You didn't get Harry's message yesterday?" Jay wondered.

"No, what message?".

"He called the prison and asked them to tell you that he couldn't bring the kids because Leah needed surgery" Jay explained.

"Surgery?" Louis asked wide eyed, and his heart started to race "What kind of surgery? Is she okay?".

"She's okay now, she had appendicitis, so her appendix had to be removed" Jay told him.

"Oh my god" Louis said, feeling concerned about his baby, and also guilty for not being there for her "Is she really okay? Did the surgery went well?".

"She's doing okay now, she's recovering" Jay told him "The surgery was more complicated than they expected, though, because when they got in there they realized her appendix had burst, so they had to make a bigger incision than it was planned, and the surgery took quite a while, but she's doing well".

"Oh my fücking god" Louis sighed as tears gathered in her eyes "Have you seen her?".

"Yes, I saw her for a few minutes last night, she was sleeping, but she was okay" Jay said calmly.

"What about today? Is she still doing well?" Louis needed to know.

"Yes, I called Harry this morning, he stayed with Leah overnight at the hospital, and he said she had a good night" Jay explained.

"How long will she stayed at the hospital?" Louis wanted to know.

"Originally it was only supposed to be a day or two, but now the surgeon said 5 at least, because of the burst appendix" Jay considered.

"How did it even get to that?" Louis asked surprised.

"I don't know, Harry took her in to the emergency room on Friday night, but they didn't perform the surgery until Saturday afternoon, apparently there wasn't a surgen available until then" Jay explained.

"My poor Leah must have been in so much pain" Louis said tearing up again, and he hugged Flynn tighter "I hate not being with her".

"I know, love, but Harry hasn't left her side at all" Jay assured him "Last night he looked exhausted so I offered to stay with Leah overnight in his place, and he refused, said if Leah couldn't go home, he wasn't going home either".

The Lying  Game ~ larry mpreg auWhere stories live. Discover now