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"Lou!" Jay called him.

Louis saw his mum, and smiled, and walked fast to her.

"Hey, mum" Louis said as he gave her a hug.

"Hi, baby, how are you?" Jay asked him.

"I'm great" Louis replied.

"And how is she?" Jay asked, placing her hand on Louis' bump.

"She's great, growing every day" Louis explained.

"31 weeks, right?".

"32 today, actually" Louis explained "Just 8 more to go".

"I can't wait to meet her" Jay smiled "Let's go to the car, honey".

Louis agreed, and they walked to the car, and he got into the passengers seat, while his mum got into the drivers side.

"Seatbelt" Jay told Louis.

"I know" Louis said as he grabbed it.

"So how are things with the baby's dad? Have you heard from him?" Jay wondered.

"He called me last night" Louis explained.

"Really?" Jay asked surprised.

Louis was a mama's boy through and through, so he always told her what was going on in his life, especially now that things in his life weren't perfect, and so she knew what had been happening with Harry.

"Yeah, he wants us to get together so we can talk about everything" Louis explained.

"That's good" Jay considered.

"Yeah, I guess" Louis said looking at his hands.

"Why don't you sound sure?".

"Because I'm not" Louis shrugged "I barely know him, but I though he was a good and decent person, but then he did what he did, and I just don't know if I can even trust him".

"I'm not saying you should trust him, because I don't know him and I don't know if you should, but maybe you should give him an opportunity, if he called, it's because he wants to try" Jay considered.

"I guess...".

"Remember that it took you months to come to terms with being pregnant and telling people that you were having your own baby and not a surrogate baby, so maybe he needed some time to get used to the idea as well" Jay offered.

As much as Louis trusted his mum, and told her what was going on in his life, he still hadn't told her about pretending the baby was someone else's for all those months, and that he had almost given her that couple, and he was never going to tell her, he was going to take that secret to the grave.

"You're right" Louis finally agreed "I should give him a chance".

"Good" Jay approved.

They got to the house a few moments later, and only the twins were awake to greet Louis (Lottie and Fizzy were asleep), his dad was at work, and even his mum left right after dropping him off, because she had to go to work as well, as it was December 23rd, which was a very busy day at the shop where she worked.

So Louis spent the entire day with his sisters, which he loved as he didn't see them as frequently as he would want, and he even cooked breakfast for the older girls when they woke up, then lunch for all of them, and by the time their parents got home that night he had diner served at the table so they could have a family meal.

But on the 24th, things were different, because it was Louis' birthday, and he was woken up with breakfast in bed and a few small presents, only to get his favorite cake for lunch, baked especially by his mum for the occasion, and Louis loved her for that.

The Lying  Game ~ larry mpreg auΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα