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Louis opened his eyes that morning, and he felt exhausted.

He had had a horrible night, as he had barely slept because of the baby in his belly.

His back hurt all the time, he couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep for even 2 hours straight, and his belly itched all over.

He wasn't exactly eager to go through the birthing process, because it meant experiencing excruciating pain, but he really didn't want to be pregnant anymore.

And he was only 3 days away from his due date, so it was more than okay for the baby to come out now.

Actually, he needed that to happen.

"Please come out soon?" Louis asked his baby as he rubbed his belly "I want to meet you, and I also want to be able to look at my feet again".

Louis sighed, stretched his back as best he could, and then he got up to go to the bathroom; his bladder was about to explode.

Then he went to the living room- kitchen area, and found Zayn pouring coffee in a travel mug, and he was dressed for work.

"Morning, Lou" Zayn greeted him.

"Morning" Louis said back, and yawned.

"No signs of labor yet?" Zayn wondered.

"Nope" Louis denied.

"She's going to make it to her due date, huh?" Zayn smiled, and put the cap on the travel mug.

"So it seems" Louis sighed.

"I have to run, but remember to call me if anything happens" Zayn told him as he grabbed his jacket.

"Yeah, I will" Louis agreed.

"Bye, Lou" Zayn


Zayn left, and Louis made himself breakfast only to clean up after himself and Zayn afterwards, like he usually did.

Louis didn't have to work that morning, he had the afternoon shift, which he was dreading. He knew that he probably shouldn't keep working, he was too pregnant, but he stayed sitting most of the time, and also, he needed the money for the baby, especially now that he had realized he couldn't count on Harry.

He hadn't heard from Harry until after 5 days after the appointment he missed, and even then, he only sent a lousy text that Louis didn't even bother replaying.

After that, he only heard from him at the beginning of the month when he texted again saying he had wired him the child support money for that month, which Louis saw reflected in his bank account statement.

It had been 10 days since that, and there had been no communication since, Harry hadn't texted once to ask how the baby was doing or anything.

That's why Louis knew he couldn't count on Harry. And although the child support had come for 2 months straight now, there was nothing that said it would keep coming every month. Not when Harry was so uninterested in their daughter.

To be honest, Louis was questioning if he was going to let Harry know when he went into labor, because even if Harry had decided to be there (which he doubted, because he hadn't said anything), he wasn't sure if he would feel comfortable with him there.

The person that Louis had been talking to, on the phone a few times and mostly over texts, was Niall, Harry's friend.

At first Louis thought it was a little strange, because he barely knew him,but he was so friendly and caring, that Louis even considered him a friend now. Niall was always asking Louis how he was feeling, how was the baby, and if there were any signs of labor yet.

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