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As the days went by and the date of his next appointment with Dr. Kraus approached, Louis knew he had to make a decision.

Well, the main decision was already made, Louis wanted to keep his kid, the actual decision he had to make was what to do to make it happen.

He had actually gone to see his family that weekend needing to be surrounded by love and affection, as he felt lost and desperate, and although he hadn't told his family why he was acting like he was, it helped to spend time with them.

When he came back to London that Monday, he had made a few decisions:

1. He was going to tell Dr. Kraus that he was going to be keeping his baby, and that he could tell the Pearson's whatever he wanted about it.

2. He was going to find a new doctor.

3. He was going to get a job doing whatever, because he needed money if he was going to be supporting a child.

4. He was going to tell Zayn and his family the truth.

5. He was going to find a way to tell Harry that he was going to be a father, and hope he would want to be involved in their daughters life, even if he had made the decision years ago not to be a father. And if he decided not to be involved, Louis was just going to have to raise his daughter on his own.

He didn't know exactly the order in which he was going to do those things, but he was going to start by seeing a doctor, because no matter what happened, he wasn't going to let Dr. Kraus put a hand on him again.

So that afternoon, he went to see a doctor who had an opening that day, Dr. Mahoney, who was pretty nice, but a little confused by Louis, who was 23 weeks pregnant, and told her this was the first time he was going to the doctor's for his pregnancy.

But either way, she was pleased to see the baby was doing just fine, and Louis had to pretend to be surprised when she told him he was having a girl.

When the appointment was over, Louis felt happy, and he left the doctor's office with a smile on his face, and ultrasound pictures of his baby daughter.

He was walking down the street, thinking the next part of his plan needed to be to tell Dr. Kraus that he was keeping his kid, when right across the street he saw a woman who looked a lot like Rachel Pearson waiting to cross the street.

Louis stopped walking, and as he looked closer he realized it was in fact her.

And she was with a man.

A man who was holding her hand.

And that man wasn't her husband.

"What the hell?" Louis murmured to himself.

Rachel suddenly looked his way, and her eyes locked with Louis'.

Louis felt awkward as hell, and although he had frozen when he saw the situation before him, he snapped out of it, and looked away, and started walking away.

"Louis!" a woman called.

Obviously Rachel.

Louis didn't want to turn around, but he still did, and he saw Rachel quickly approaching him, and calling his name.

And he could have walked fast to avoid her, he was a jogger after all, but he decided it would be weird to do that, so he stopped walking, letting Rachel reach him.

"Louis" Rachel told him "Let me explain what you just saw".

"You don't have to explain anything to me" Louis told her.

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