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Louis never knew he would love being a mum as much as he did, it was honestly the best thing that had ever happened to him, and he loved his baby Leah so much he was sure he was going to burst with love every time he saw her.

But that didn't change the fact that he missed sleeping in... or at all.

It was Saturday, and Leah woke him up at 6 AM (after also waking him up at 3 AM and at midnight), and after feeding her and changing her, she didn't go back to sleep, so Louis got up, and went to make breakfast for himself, and sat down to eat in front of the telly, while holding Leah with one arm, he had become very good at multitasking.

"Morning" Zayn said as he walked out of his room around 8.

"Morning" Louis said back "There's a fresh pot of coffee".

"Sounds perfect" Zayn said, and yawned as he walked in the kitchen.

Then he came out of it a few minutes later holding a bowl of cereal in one hand, and a mug with coffee in the other.

"Are you hangover?" Louis asked, because that was what Zayn usually ate when he was hangover.

"A bit" Zayn replied, and drank coffee "We went for drinks after work to this pub one of the girls said was good, and I over did it".

"But I bet you had fun, I didn't even hear you come in last night" Louis told him.

"Yeah, I had fun" Zayn smiled, which then turned into a yawn "I'm so tired though".

"Why are you up so early if you're tired? It's Saturday, take advantage of your childless existence, and go back to bed".

"I wish, I told my mum I'd go home for the weekend, I haven't been up there in months, so I have to leave soon to make it there for lunch" Zayn explained, and started eating the cereal.

"When are you coming back?" Louis asked curiously.

"Tomorrow night" Zayn replied "Will you be alright on your own with Leah until then?".

"Yeah, I'll be fine" Louis brushed off "Besides, Harry's coming over today to spend time with Leah".

"Then I'm glad I won't be here" Zayn rolled his eyes.

"You need to stop hating him so much, mate, please"

"I can't" Zayn denied "Not after how he treated you when you were pregnant".

"But he has made up for it; he's been paying child support, and he comes see Leah 3 times a week" Louis pointed out.

"You forgave him too easily, it's only been, what? 3 weeks?" Zayn asked.

"I did it for Leah, I want her to have her dad in her life, and I want to get along with him for her sake" Louis explained "So, please, for Leah, will you stop being such a dïck every time Harry comes over?".

"Louis..." Zayn hesitated.

"Please, Z?" Louis begged "I'm not asking you to be his friend, just be polite, I don't want Leah to grow up seeing her godfather being mean to her father every time he sees him".

"Fine" Zayn agreed "But one fück up on his part, and I go back to being a dïck".

"Deal" Louis nodded once "Leah thanks you".

"Let me give her a cuddle? I'll miss her for the rest of the weekend" Zayn told him.

"Sure" Louis replied, and offered his friend the baby.

The Lying  Game ~ larry mpreg auWhere stories live. Discover now