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The last few weeks had been quite eventual for Louis.

First, he and Leah had officially moved in with Harry, which meant they had brought all of their things over, and Harry had been really sweet to make room for everything, so Louis would feel welcomed, and he honestly did.

Living with Harry was amazing, and every day that passed, Louis felt more and more convinced that he had made the right choice in accepting Harry's offer.

Now, the second important thing that was going on with Louis, was that he was now working part time as a receptionist at a private lab (funny enough, it was the same where they had done Harry's paternity test), and it was actually a very decent job.

The truth was that Louis had been ready to start working as a barista in a coffee shop close to their flat, but that was when Harry received a call from one of the friends he had sent Louis' resume to a while ago. She said they were looking for a part time receptionist to help out their full time receptionist during the mornings, which was when she had more work. And after a short interview, they gave Louis the job, which was amazing, and the best part was that it paid more than a barista job, and it also allowed Louis to spend time with Leah in the afternoons.

The first few days had been a little tricky, though, but now they had figured out a routine that worked well for all 3 of them (and the dog), they had settled into it nicely.

That afternoon, after Louis picked up Leah from daycare, he took her to the doctor's office, as she had just turned 8 months old last week, and was due to have her flu shot and a general checkup.

And even though the doctor told him Leah was developing normally for her age and was healthy, which is what every parent wants to hear, she made quite the scene when she got the vaccine, and it took Louis at least 15 minutes to get her to calm down.

Once they were out of there, and Leah was asleep in the stroller (she had tired herself from the crying), Louis took out his phone, and called Harry.

"Hello?" Harry picked up.

"Hey, are you busy?" Louis asked.

"Yes, but if its urgent...?" Harry asked, and he sounded moody.

"It's not, but you told me this morning to let you know how Leah's appointment went...".

"Oh, right, I forgot about it" Harry admitted, his tone a little softer now"How was it?".

"It went alright, she cried with the shot, though, and she was very dramatic about it" Louis chuckled.

"That's just part of her personality" Harry joked.

"It is, yeah" Louis admitted "I'll let you go back to your work now, but see you at home for dinner?".

"Yes, see you home" Harry accepted.

"Okay, I love you".

"I love you too".

After that, Louis went by the grocery store to get a few things they needed, then got home, put away the groceries, took the dog out for a walk with Leah, and then came back home to make dinner.

When he had that ready, he set the table, and afterwards he sat down on the floor with Leah to play with her while they waited for Harry to get home.

"Hey" Harry greeted them when he arrived.

And there was something about the way he said that simple word that told Louis that something was up, and he sounded exactly the same as when he had called him earlier, and he had considered Harry to be moody.

The Lying  Game ~ larry mpreg auWhere stories live. Discover now