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Everyone at Louis' work already knew he was pregnant, not only it was obvious at 18 weeks, but also because Louis had told people, especially his bosses.

At first he had thought they would hate him for it, because he had only started working there in October, but they were all very nice about it. The best part, though, was that he was going to be able to get paid maternity leave, which was amazing.

But that wasn't going to happen any time soon, but it was alright, Louis liked his work, and he felt great nowadays, as he was no longer getting any morning sickness or anything. The truth was that the second trimester had almost always treated him well, so he was glad to see that this pregnancy wasn't the exception.

What wasn't an exception from the other pregnancy's either, was how horny he had been feeling, but thankfully his lovely boyfriend had been great at satisfying all of his needs, and they were honestly having more sex that ever.

And Louis loved that.

"You're amazing" Harry sighed, his breathing ragged as Louis got off of him, he had been riding him.

"I know" Louis grinned as he laid down next to Harry.

Harry chuckled, and put his arm around Louis to bring him closer, to then capture his lips in his, and gave him a lazy kiss, which Louis was happy to return.

"You really are amazing" Harry said when their lips broke "I love you".

"Love you" Louis said back with a smile, and gave Harry another kiss.

Harry sighed happily, and closed his eyes, and Louis took the time to get up to go to the bathroom, because being pregnant meant peeing a lot.

"Don't leave" Harry complained.

"I'll be right back" Louis smiled as he put on his boxers, and a T-shirt.

The bathroom was right outside their bedroom, but he felt weird going there completely naked, after all, he and Harry weren't the only ones who lived there, there was also Leah, and the dog.

When Louis went back to the bedroom, he found Harry out of the bed, and he too had put on boxers, and he was remaking the bed, as they had made quite a mess in it.

"So how long will this last?" Harry wondered

"What do you mean?" Louis asked confused as he helped Harry finish making the bed.

"You wanting to have sex every night" Harry explained.

"It's not every night" Louis corrected, and he got under the covers of the freshly made bed, Harry doing the same.

"Almost every night, then" Harry corrected himself "So?".

"Are you complaining or...?" Louis trailed off.

"I'm not complaining at all" Harry was quick to say "I'm just curious".

"Uhm... well, I think a couple more months?" Louis considered.

"I like the sound of that" Harry smiled as Louis got closer to him.

"We have to take advantage of it, once I'm close to giving birth I won't want to do it, and after the baby comes we won't be able to for at least 6 weeks, and even then, we're probably not going to find much time for us, specially because the baby will be sleeping in here" Louis considered.

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