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Although Louis was still paranoid about being arrested, it had been a few weeks now since the truth came out, and nothing had happened, so he was starting to slowly relax.

But even though he was starting to relax about that aspect of his life, he was still on edge about telling Harry the truth.

When he had gone to his flat that night, he had been ready to tell him, and he had only gone there for that, but when he saw the baby there, and ended up babysitting him, he knew it wasn't the right time.

"Louis, you have to tell him" Zayn told him for the millionth time while they had dinner that night.

"I will, Z" Louis answered.

"When?" Zayn demanded.

"Soon" Louis said while he played with his food.

"How soon?".

"This week".

"Alright" Zayn agreed "You know the longer you wait the angrier he'll probably be that you didn't tell him sooner; I know I'd be mad as hell if a girl showed up 6 months pregnant telling me I'm the father".

"I know" Louis nodded "But I think at this point a day or a week won't make that much of a difference".

"Still, he has a right to know" Zayn said knowingly.

"I said I would tell him this week" Louis insisted.

And as he said that, the doorbell rang.

"Are you expecting someone?" Louis asked as he got up to go get it.

"No" Zayn denied.

Louis shrugged, and went to open the door, finding a delivery guy there.

"Hi" Louis greeted him

"Louis Tomlinson?" the lad asked.

And the way he said it made Louis worry.

Was he about to get served or something?

"Uhm... yes?" Louis replied.

"This is for you" the lad said and dragged a big cardboard box in front of the door "Please sign on it".

Louis did, and the lad left, so Louis just dragged the box inside the flat, wondering what it was.

"What did you buy?" Zayn questioned.

"Nothing" Louis said as he examined the box, and smiled when he saw the name of the sender "Oh, it's from my mum".

"What is it?" Zayn asked.

"I don't know, she didn't say she was sending something" Louis said going to grab a knife from the table to open the box "Let's see".

Louis tore the tape of the box with the knife, and as soon as he opened it, he found a card that said 'Louis' in his mum's handwriting, over a layer of white tissue paper. So Louis picked up the card to read it:

These are a few things I saved specially for my first grandbaby. It's all washed and ready to use.
I love you both.

"What does it say?" Zayn wondered.

"That she sent me baby things she saved" Louis explained as he lifted the white tissue paper.

Under it, he found a bunch of tiny clothes neatly folded, as well as little shoes, a few baby books, crib linens, and two little blankets.

"I remember the girls wearing all of these when they were babies, but they're in great shape" Louis said to Zayn.

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