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Louis woke up the morning of the transfer feeling a tiny bit nervous, which was to be expected, even though he had done it 4 times before.

"Morning" Louis said coming to the kitchen, where Zayn was.

"Morning" Zayn said back "Big day today, huh?".

"Yep" Louis agreed.

"Are you nervous?" Zayn wondered.

"Nah" Louis played it cool "I'm used to it by now".

Louis had been a surrogate 4 times in the last 5 and a half years.

The first time turned out to be identical twin girls, and it was scary to find out that his first experience with surrogacy would be with twins, but the pregnancy wasn't hard at all, and he managed to deliver both babies naturally with no complications.

The second time around, he had a very rough pregnancy, he was tired a lot, and he experienced morning sickness during the entire 9 months, so he was relieved when he finally gave birth to a stubborn little boy who had him in labor for over a day. And because it had been rough, it was hard to make the decision to be a surrogate again, but in the end he decided to go again.

The third time, it was another boy; and that was by far the easiest pregnancy and birth of all, so great that he became a new surrogate only 3 months after his birth.

The forth time, which was the last one so far, he gave birth to a very cute girl; and that time the pregnancy was harder, and so was the birth, he had almost needed a C-section, but in the end he managed to have a natural birth (but it was not easy).

"I don't know how you do it, mate" Zayn shook his head "It's impressive".

"Not really, I don't really do anything except show up at the implantation, then act as an incubator for 9 months, and give birth" Louis shrugged.

"Still" Zayn insisted "You're helping people's dreams come true".

"You know I mostly care about getting paid" Louis said honestly.

"I honestly sometimes wonder if you're a robot" Zayn declared.

Louis laughed and opened the fridge to get milk, and there wasn't much left so he drank it straight out of the carton.

"What time do you have to be there?" Zayn questioned.

"12" Louis replied.

"Are you sure you don't want me to take you? I can call in sick" Zayn offered.

"There's no need" Louis said dismissively "I'll take the tube".

"Alright, but maybe after you should take an Uber back home" Zayn suggested.

"Okay, mum" Louis rolled his eyes.

"I care about you, Lou" Zayn told him.

"I know you care" Louis smiled.

"On that note, and if you don't want me to take you, I have to go" Zayn said, and took a large drink from his coffee mug "Good luck, and let me know how it goes".

"I will" Louis agreed.

Zayn left his used mug in the sink, went to get his stuff, and left the flat leaving Louis alone to face the day.

And because he didn't have to be at the clinic until noon, he went about his morning as he always did, and went out for his normal jog, only to come back, drink a shake, and get ready for the big appointment.

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