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That Friday, Harry left work a little earlier than normal because he had a doctor's appointment for his vasectomy.

He wasn't going to get it yet, he had promised Louis he would wait until after their son was born, and that was supposed to happen mid September, and it was now June, so even though he still had time, he wanted to have the information.

The doctor shook his hand as he went inside his office, and right away asked Harry the reason for his visit.

"I want to get a vasectomy" Harry declared.

"I can do that for you" Dr. Young nodded "It's a very simple procedure, but I need to make sure that you're 100% sure of this decision, because although you can get a vasectomy reversed in most cases, it's not guaranteed".

"I'm 100% sure" Harry told him "I have a kid, and right now my boyfriend is pregnant with our second, who we hadn't decided to have, but his IUD malfunctioned, so after this baby comes I don't want to have any more accidents".

"That's understandable" Dr. Young nodded.

"I do want to wait until after the baby comes, to have the vasectomy, which will be in September, but I want to leave it scheduled for maybe October?

"We can do that" Doctor Young nodded.

"I have some questions though".

"Go ahead".

"I want to know how effective the vasectomy is" Harry told him.

"It is very effective, it's the most effective method of birth control, but it isn't automatic, you shouldn't have unprotected intercourse for at least 6 weeks after the procedure, at that point we will test your semen, but even if it comes back sperm free, we still do another test at 12 weeks to be completely sure that the vasectomy worked" Dr. Young explained "If at that point the sample comes back sperm free, then you'll be good to go".

"And if it doesn't come back sperm free?".

"That happening is very rare, but if it happens it means that the tubes somehow reconnected, and it that case we would have to redo the procedure" the doctor explained.

"What are the chances of that happening?" Harry questioned.

"Like I said it's very rare, I've been performing vasectomies for 15 years, and I've only seen it happen once" Dr. Young told him.

Harry asked a few more questions after that, questions that Louis had told to ask, and he even scheduled his procedure for October 11th, that's how sure Harry was of his decision.

He left the doctor's, and headed straight home afterwards, knowing Louis would ask him all about the appointment, as he knew where Harry had gone to.

But as he was heading home, his phone rang, and he saw on the screen a name he had seen twice this week, but as he had done those times, he didn't pick up and let the call go to voice mail.

When he arrived home, what he predicted happened, because the first thing Louis asked after saying hello was about the appointment.

"How did it go?" Louis questioned.

"It went great" Harry said as he picked up Leah, who had come greet him "Hi, baby girl".

"Hi" Leah said cutely and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Did you miss daddy today?" Harry asked her.

"Yah" Leah said as she let go of his neck and nodded, and Harry kissed her cheek a few times, making her giggle.

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