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Louis opened his eyes that morning, and instead of seeing that dreadful white wall he had seen for the past 3 months, he saw the beautiful face of his fiancé.

He still couldn't believe he was out of prison, it seemed so strange. And it had happened so fast, one moment he received the news, and the next he was walking out of the prison and on his way home.

And coming home had been more than he imagined, it had been perfect, magical even... everything was just as he remembered it, except his babies were bigger, but they were still the same precious children.

Louis leaned in and gave Harry a kiss on the lips. Harry didn't move, but he smiled, and then opened his eyes.

"It wasn't a dream" Harry smiled wider "You're still here".

"I am" Louis chucked, and kissed Harry again "I love you so much".

"I love you, baby" Harry said back.

Then he heard Flynn making noise, and he turned around to check on him. At some point last night, when Flynn woke up wanting a bottle, they brought him to their room and kept him there, as it was easier to have him with them.

"Good morning, my Flynn" Louis cooed "How's mama's baby?".

Flynn was whinny, and Harry right away said he needed a change, so he did that, and then made his bottle.

"Is it okay if I keep Leah with me today instead of her going to daycare?" Louis asked as they sat down to eat breakfast.

"Of course it is" Harry smiled "She deserves a full day with mummy".

"Good" Louis grinned.

Harry had called Flynn's nanny last night to tell her Louis was back, so that they wouldn't be needing her anymore, so she obviously didn't show up to work today.

"I wish I could take the day off to spend it with you" Harry told Louis as he got ready to go to work.

"We have forever to be together" Louis said, which he knew was cheesy.

"We could actually start planning our forever" Harry told Louis.

"Our wedding, you mean?" Louis smiled.

"Yes" Harry confirmed "The sooner we get married, the better".

"I agree" Louis replied.

"Good" Harry said and kissed him "I love you, all your things are exactly where you left them, but let me know if you need anything".

"Thanks, baby" Louis replied "Have a good day, I love you".

Harry said goodbye to the kids and the dog, and left Louis alone with them. And although it took Louis a few hours to get back into his mummy role, by lunch time he was already mastering it, it was as if he had never left.

"Should we go to the park?" Louis asked Leah after she woke up from her nap.

Louis loved being home with his babies, but at the same time he wanted to go outside, he had been locked up for way too long.

"Yeah" Leah nodded eagerly.

It was cold outside, as it was February, but it wasn't raining and it wasn't going to rain at all, so Louis just bundled up both babies, put Otto's winter cape on him, and they went to the park.

It was so amazing to breathe the fresh air again without having a limit of time to do so, he could just stay outside for hours if he wanted to, and no one could tell him otherwise.

The Lying  Game ~ larry mpreg auWhere stories live. Discover now