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"Lou, please stay another week" Phoebe begged while they had breakfast.

"Yes!" Daisy smiled.

"I can't" Louis denied "I have to go back to London".

"Yes, let him go so I can have my room back" Lottie intervened.

"It's my room, Lottie" Louis reminded her "I just let you borrow it when I'm not here".

"No, it's mine, and I leant it to you when you visit" Lottie tried to correct him.

"Please don't start the bickering" Jay spoke as she sat down at the table "It's not what we need on a Monday morning".

"Sorry, mum" Louis apologized.

"So you're staying, Lou?" Daisy asked with a smile.

"I can't stay longer, love" Louis denied.

"But why? You don't have to go back to a job, you're just home all day with Leah" Phoebe pointed out.

"I know, but my flat in London is our home, and Leah also has to see her dad" Louis explained "But I'll come back to see you soon, I promise".

The twins accepted that explanation, but said they would miss him and Leah, and the rest of his family said the same, which made Louis feel loved, and happy.

When breakfast was over, Louis' parents had to go to work, and the girls had to go to school, so they all gave Louis (and Leah) a hug goodbye, because they were going to leave before they all came back home later that day.

But Louis wasn't leaving just yet, so he went to his room and changed the bed sheets, so Lottie had freshly changed sheets when she got her bed back, and he even did a load of laundry for his family, and while he had that going on, he cleaned the kitchen and the living room. Finally, he decided to cook dinner for his family for when they came home tonight, and after being done with everything, even the laundry folding, he ate lunch, gathered his things, got Leah in the stroller, and left the house.

He needed to take a train to return to London, and he could've called an Uber or taken the bus to the train station, but he decided to walk instead, he liked walking (and needed it to lose the baby weight), and Leah liked whenever he took her out on walks, and 40 minutes walking wasn't that long.

By the time he finally arrived in London, it was already 4 PM, and from there he took the tube, but he got off a few stations before his flat, because he was heading to Harry's place.

He had texted him while he was on the train, to let him know him and Leah were coming back, in case he wanted to see the baby, and Harry proposed that they came to his flat on their way to their own, and Louis agreed, because he had nothing better to do.

"Hey" Louis greeted Harry when he opened the door.

"Hi, Louis" Harry smiled "Come in".

Louis pusher the stroller inside the flat, which was heavy between Leah, the baby bag, and the travel bag he had hanging from the handles.

"Hi, Leah" Harry cooed, as he looked inside the stroller, and was quick to take the baby from there "How are you, baby? I missed you so much".

Louis smiled at how sweet Harry was being, he actually couldn't believe this was the same Harry that had told him he never wanted to have kids.

"She grew a lot" Harry told Louis.

"Yeah, she definitely had a growth spurt" Louis said as he made himself comfortable.

Harry looked down at the baby adoringly, and kissed her little head before he gave her a cuddle.

"Did you two have a good time at your parents?" Harry asked Louis.

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