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Louis pretty much hated his job.

It was the most boring thing he had ever done, but as he suffered through one endless shift after another one, he told himself that he was doing it for his daughter.

And because of her, he wasn't going to screw it up, like he had screwed up so many things in his life before, like University.

He actually hated thinking about University, and how maybe if he hadn't fûcked that up, and actually gotten his degree, he would probably have a nice job now, one that wouldn't have him worrying about money, and how he was going to raise his kid alone on a minimum wage job.

When Louis' shift finally ended that day, he grabbed his things, and was out of there fast, wanting to get home right away, he was exhausted.

His job was pretty close to his place, so he always walked to get there and to go back home, even now that it was December, and it was cold as hell.

He had just reached his building, and was going to walk inside, being happy to get away from the cold, when he heard his name.

Louis looked in the direction of where the voice had come from, and that's when he saw Harry, which shocked him, he had thought he would never see him again.

"Harry" was all Louis said.

"Hi" Harry said, his face very serious.

"Why are you here?" Louis asked.

"I have a friend who works at a lab that does non invasive paternity testing, which is safe for you and your baby, she will do it almost for free as a favor to me" Harry explained.

"Okay...?" Louis said feeling confused.

"Here's her name, and the name of the lab and the address" Harry said giving him a piece of paper "She already has my DNA sample, so just go in there whenever you can, and they'll take a blood sample from you, and the lab will email us the test results in like a week or so".

"Uhm... okay" Louis nodded.


"Does this mean you're done running away? You're going to be be in her life?" Louis said putting his hand on his belly.

"Her?" Harry frowned.

"It's a girl" Louis explained.

Harry didn't say anything at first, he just looked at Louis' belly intently for a few seconds, then he visibly gulped, and finally spoke.

"We can talk about it after the results come back" Harry declared.

"Sure" Louis agreed.

"Alright" Harry nodded "Bye".

"Bye" Louis said, still feeling confused.

Harry walked away, and Louis went inside the building, and went up to his flat, which was empty, and as he sat down on the couch to think about what just happened, he felt hopeful.

Because Harry wouldn't ask for the DNA test if he was planning not to be in the baby's life.


And he was 100% sure of what the results were going to say, so he was hopeful that once Harry knew for sure that he was the father, he was going to decide to stay.

"Hey, Lou" Zayn said as he walked through the door a while later.

"Hi" Louis smiled.

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