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Having kids ages 6, 5 and 4 was not easy, actually most of the time it was insane. They each had their own little personality, and while they loved each other, there was a lot of fighting all of the time.

Most fights, though, involved Leah and Flynn, those two were like water and oil, and they both liked to have things their own way. Theo was more calm, but if he ever got involved in the fighting, he was always on Flynn's side.

Flynn and Theo were a year a 3 weeks apart in age, but they acted as twins as they always wanted to do things together, and they were the same size, as Theo was big for his age, which meant they shared most of their clothes. And even though they didn't look that similar, although anyone could tell they were brothers, people who didn't know them often asked if they were twins.

Even him and Harry often thought of the two boys as a package deal, and when they bought something for one of them, they bought the same for the other.

"Mummy, I'm hungry" Leah said to Louis as she came into the kitchen.

"Dinner's almost ready, darling" Louis told her "Go wash your hands".

"Okay" Leah said happily and left the kitchen.

"Harry, can you get the boys and wash their hands when you finish that" Louis asked his husband who was taking things out to set the table.

"Yeah..." Harry replied "Wait...".

"What?" Louis asked as he started cutting the chicken he cooked.

"You just called me Harry" Harry pointed out.

"That's your name" Louis replied.

"Yes, but you never call me that" Harry said.

"I call you Harry sometimes" Louis said truthfully.

"Usually when you're upset or angry at me" Harry said suspiciously "Did I do something?".

"No, babe" Louis chuckled "Now go finish setting the table, and then get the boys".

"Alright" Harry said, and kissed Louis' temple before he left the kitchen.

Louis started serving the chicken on the plates, and then served the veggies and mashed potatoes, and then took two of the plates to the table and found Leah already sitting on her chair.

"Thank you, mummy" Leah said when Louis put on of the plates in front of her.

"You're welcome" Louis replied "Don't start eating until everyone's at the table".

"I know" Leah replied.

Louis went back to the kitchen and grabbed another two plates and brought them to the table and found Harry coming up to it with Flynn and Theo, and then went back for the last plate and the water jug.

"Daddy, can I have pizza?" Flynn asked as he played with his mash potatoes.

"No, love" Harry told him "Now eat your food, don't play with it".

"I like pizza more" Flynn claimed.

"So do I, but it's not healthy to eat pizza every day" Harry explained.

"Why?" Flynn asked, he was in a 'why?' phase right now.

"Because it makes you sick if you eat it every day" Harry told him.

"Why?" Flynn asked again.

"Because pizza has a lot of fat in it, if you have it once in a while it's fine, but if you have a lot of fat every day it's bad for your body" Harry said.

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