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Since Louis moved back in, things were pretty much the same as they had been before Harry and Louis broke up.

Except for the fact that Louis was pregnant.

At this point, he was 14 weeks along, and he was definitely showing by now, which was pretty overwhelming for Harry, because it made the baby a lot more real.

But Harry was trying not to show Louis how overwhelmed he got sometimes about them having another baby, knowing that he could interpret it him not wanting the baby, which wasn't the case.

He just needed to get over the overwhelming feeling, which he was working on, but he haven't gotten over it yet.

"Babe?" Louis asked that night as they got ready for bed.

"Yeah?" Harry asked back.

"Do you think the baby's a boy or a girl?" Louis wondered.

"Uhm... I don't know" Harry replied, because he hadn't given much thought to it "A girl, maybe?".

"I'm 100% percent convinced it's a boy" Louis said as he opened the bed covers and got in it.

"Why are you so convinced?" Harry wanted to know, and he too got inside the bed.

"It's a hunch" Louis said as he rubbed his belly "A very strong hunch".

"We'll probably be able to know next week, won't we?" Harry asked, because they had a new appointment with the doctor next week.

"Yeah" Louis nodded "You wanna find out, right?".

"Yes, why wouldn't I?".

"Some people choose to wait until the baby's born" Louis shrugged.

"I rather know now, I think it will help me feel more prepared" Harry decided "Do you want to know too?".

"Definitely" Louis nodded, and then yawned "I'm tired, can you spoon me?".

And as he asked that he made the cutest face, leaving Harry no choice but to say yes.

"Sure, baby" Harry agreed.

Louis smiled, then he turned off the light, and laid down on his side, so Harry could spoon him, and that's exactly what he did. Then Harry gave Louis a kiss on the back of his head, said goodnight, and closed his eyes.

"Baby's moving" Louis suddenly said.

Harry didn't say anything, because that was the sort of thing that freaked him out, and he freaked out even more when Louis grabbed his hand, and he slipped it under his T-shirt.

"I can't wait until you're able to feel him move" Louis told him.

Harry rarely touched Louis' belly, because again, it often overwhelmed him, specially now that the curvature in it was noticeable and he could feel it. And knowing that soon he would be able to feel the baby move under his hand, made him incredibly anxious.

"I'll be right back" Harry said, and kissed the back of Louis' head again to reassure him that things were okay.

But he got up, and he went to the bathroom to be able to have a little breathing space, and to drink some tap water, which managed to help him calm down.

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