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Harry woke up when he felt a hand stroking his cheek, and he knew it was Louis doing it, he could recognize his touch anywhere.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked, his eyes closed.

"I'm waking you up very nicely" Louis informed him.


"Because I'm nice like that" Louis said cheerfully.

"I mean why are you waking me up? It's Saturday" Harry complained, and turned his head around so he could escape Louis' hand.

"Because I'm bored" Louis complained.

"Then sleep more" Harry mumbled.

"I tried, but I can't, Leah woke me up an hour ago, but she went back to sleep" Louis informed him.

"Then go walk the dog or something, I wanna sleep" Harry dismissed him.

He felt the bed moving, and then heard the door closing, and just a few seconds later he fell asleep again.

When he woke up again, he woke up on his own, and he stretched for a few seconds before he picked up his phone from the nightstand to check the time, and he was surprised when he saw it was almost noon.

He hadn't woken up so late in a very long time, but it was nice, and he felt pretty refreshed as he got up from the bed.

The door of his room was closed, and when he opened it, Otto immediately came up to him, his tail moving happily.

"Hi, Otto" Harry greeted him, and bent down to pet him.

After giving his dog enough pets, Harry looked around the flat, and realized that nor Louis nor Leah where there, which was strange, he had expected them both to be around.

So he went to the kitchen to get coffee, and there he found a very short handwritten note, and he picked it up as he read it.

I fed and walked Otto.

Harry turned the note around to see if there was more to it, like Louis saying where he was, or if he was coming back soon, but there was nothing else.

He thought it was weird, so after getting the coffee, he went back to his room, to find his phone, and he called Louis, who picked up after a few rings.

"Hello?" Louis answered.

"Hey, where are you?" Harry questioned.

"At my flat with Zayn, we came to see how the repair's coming along" Louis answered.

"Oh, okay" Harry accepted "Are you coming back soon, or...?".

"Probably not, we're gonna go for lunch, and maybe do something else afterwards" Louis replied.

"I thought that as it's Saturday, we would do something together today" Harry expressed.

"How could I have known that? You didn't tell me, and when I woke you up earlier you told me to go do something else" Louis told him.

"I didn't mean for the entire day" Harry pointed out.

"So I should've just waited around until you woke up?" Louis dared.

"No, I didn't mean that" Harry denied.

"What did you mean?" Louis questioned.

"Doesn't matter" Harry said, because he wasn't sure what to even say "I'll just see you later".

"Okay, bye".


Harry put down the phone and felt uneasy, because he felt like he had fücked up, but didn't know really why.

The Lying  Game ~ larry mpreg auWhere stories live. Discover now