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When Louis called Harry to invite him to his doctor's appointment, he was pretty surprised, and he hadn't heard from him in 2 weeks, except for when he texted him to thank him for the child support money.

But besides being surprised, he got nervous too, but he still agreed to go, because he had told Louis he would be there for their daughter, and he knew that needed to start now and not when she was born.

So because the class he had to teach that Tuesday ended at 3:30, he went straight from the University, to the address that Louis had texted him, which was about 20 minutes away, so he knew he could make it in time.

He walked out of the tube station, that was only a block away from where he was going, but as he walked he started to get nervous, his palms even started to sweat.

When he turned around the corner, he saw Louis standing at the door, and he was looking at his phone. The first thing Harry noticed about him was that his bump looked even bigger than the last time he had seen him, which was scary, it meant that probably the baby could be born at any time now.

As he tried to swallow the knot that had formed in his throat, he saw Louis turn around to go inside the building, and Harry was going to call his name to stop him, so they could go inside together, but that was when he completely froze.

It was like this fear crippled him completely, and he wasn't able to take one more step towards the direction he needed to go to.

And that was when he turned around and walked away.

He had no idea where he was walking, except he was walking away from Louis, and when he suddenly saw a pub, he went inside, and he ordered a pint, knowing it would help calm his nerves.

He drank it in all in less than a minute, and then ordered another one, which me dipped as he tried not to think about anything.

Despite the things he had told Louis, Harry still didn't want to be a father, he didn't want the responsibility, he didn't want any of it, and maybe just for today he could forget about it all.

Harry then looked at his phone, and saw he had a text from Louis, but he erased it without even reading it, knowing what it would say. He wasn't stupid, he knew Louis had no be angry with him for standing him up, but he didn't want to deal with that right now.

He actually didn't want to deal with anything today, and he knew the best way to do that was to get drunk, and maybe not even go home today.

But he had his dog to think about.

So he called Niall.

"Hey" Niall greeted him cheerfully.

"Hey, are you home?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, why?" Niall replied.

"Can I ask you to go to my flat later and feed Otto and take him downstairs to do his business?" Harry questions.

"Sure" Niall agreed right away "Are you going out after work or something?".

"No, I have to work late, and I need to do it at the University" Harry lied.

"Alright" Niall agreed "I think I'll go in like an hour".

"Great, thanks, mate" Harry told him.

"No problem" Niall replied.

They said goodbye, and Harry decided to pretend his phone didn't exist for the rest of the day, that would help.

He stayed at the pub drinking pints alone for a few hours, at least until 8:30 PM or something, but then he decided he needed to go somewhere more fun, a pub wouldn't cut it for the rest of the night.

The Lying  Game ~ larry mpreg auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora