76. A Past Story.

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Anisha came to a corner of the room and sat down there. She was crying. Sam wanted to go and ask her why she stopped him and started crying, but he didn't find it the right time to do so.

Swarna went near to Anisha and calmed her down. It took some time but she calmed her. After that Sam came to her and gave her a glass of water, he tapped on her head and asked her why she stopped him from going out.

Anisha looked at him and said, "Sorry sir. I know I don't have the right to interfere in any of your personal life, but I have some bad memories of my old days because of which I did not let you go out."

Sam said, "I understand what you wanted to say and you don't need to think, that you don't have any right to stop us from doing stupid things. Just like Yua you are our friend too, she used to do both her work very well. She used to work as a secretary and after work time she lives like our friend.

So don't hesitate to tell us about yourself. If you find it correct you can share your story with us. Look the night is long and we have a lot of time to listen to you. And the most important thing is you will feel better after sharing the story."

Anisha looked at him and then at Zack and Swarna. All of them nodded their heads and told her to tell them the whole story. She wiped her tears and sat on the floor with everyone.

Suddenly clouds thundered, and Anisha got shocked again. Sam noticed her behaviour while thundering. So he came back to Anisha and covered her ears with his hands. Everyone looked at him shockingly. He said, "Didn't I used to help Yua like this too? And Anisha what are you waiting for start your story please." Anisha smiled and started her story.

She said, "Fourteen years back. I went to an island like this one with my family, on my birthday. We all enjoyed the day. We did all the things which I wanted to do, we visited all the places on that island and at night after having our dinner we headed back to our home.

But before leaving we did a mistake, no one from my family checked the weather reports. That day was the most horrible day of my life. On my birthday I lost my parents. We had come 90 km away from that island.

Still, the town was 35 Km far from that place. And that place was a forest, a dense forest and it was very scary too. Suddenly my father's car stopped he covered himself in the raincoat and went out for checking the car. It was raining very heavily that day, just like today. My father was checking the car and the clouds were thundering again and again.

I was very tired and fell asleep, but I was half asleep my eyes were half open. I was able to see what was happening outside. After some time my father came inside he was bleeding, still, he started the car and drove very fastly.

While driving he said, "Wherever I stop the car you guys go out of the car and don't wait for me. Even if I will try to stop you don't wait for me. Otherwise, they will kill all of us. Just run from there."

My mother asked him who would kill us. He replied those smugglers. I was not able to listen more than that because I fell asleep properly.

After that day I hadn't seen my parents. I have only one person as my guardian he is my elder brother. On my 18th birthday, my brother told me the whole story that happened after I fell asleep. He told me after some time I slept our father stopped the car because some people had surrounded us. Our father told our mother to live inside the car and he went out, he was talking with those people who were following us.

While our father was talking to those people, our mother told us why those people were following us. Our mother said, "Your father had seen some people smuggling that's why they are following us they want to kill all of us."

Suddenly we both saw that those people shot our father and were coming towards the car. My mother understood that they would kill us too. So she told my brother to take me and run away. My brother didn't want to leave my mother but he didn't have any other option. So he took me and ran away from there. Our mother stopped them for some time but they killed her too.

They had found us and were about to kill us too, but fortunately, some forest officers came there on time and found us. They arrested all those people and took us to their place.

The next day they left us at an orphanage in the city. At that time my brother was also underage he was fifteen years old. So he can't do anything for helping us financially. But he was learning computers. He mastered that field till he turned 18. And when he turned 18 he started his business online. He took me out of that Orphanage and bought a house too. He took care of me very nicely. After a few years, he got married, and my sister-in-law was very sweet. She also takes care of me very nicely. Both my brother and sister-in-law are very sweet they filled my life with happiness, but still no one can take the place of our parents.

From that day to till now, I am scared of darkness, thundering, forest areas at night, and heavy rainfall. And those people with whom I am connected I don't want them to get hurt. That's why I didn't want you to go out. Sir, you can take your hands off my ears the clouds have stopped thundering."

Sam took his hand off Anisha's ears. Everyone felt sad for Anisha. Swarna said, "I know it's difficult for you to live without your parents. But the reality of life is that one who is born has to die one day. Someone dies early, someone gets delayed but everyone has to die one day."

Zack started making funny faces to divert her mind and his plan worked Anisha laughed a lot due to those funny faces and the jokes which Sam told her. After some time everyone slept.

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