Chapter 106 -107 - 108

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However, when they entered, there were still a bunch of big rats crawling on them, and these rats were also brought in together.

Fortunately, there are not many of them, and they are easily wiped out.

They just went out, but within a few hours, they fled back in embarrassment, with scattered injuries on their faces and bodies. Although there were no serious injuries, they definitely didn't look much better.

Several people sat on the ground in embarrassment, looked at each other, and smiled helplessly.

Although they have higher abilities than them, they seem to have underestimated their combat power and numbers. It's really too many ants to kill elephants. No, they fell down!

My aunt was baking big pancakes in the tent, and when she saw them fleeing back in a mess, with injuries on their bodies, she was terrified, thinking that something was wrong with them, she put down her work and ran over.

First, he looked over everyone anxiously, and after making sure that no one was seriously injured, he breathed a sigh of relief, and went back to get the first-aid kit by himself.

Several people washed the wound with warm water, disinfected it, and then wrapped it with gauze.

Fortunately, they wore a lot of clothes in winter, and the sharp claws of those gold-eating rats scratched their clothes at most, causing minor injuries, and the wounds were not too deep.

The face was covered thickly, and there was no major wound, just a few band-aids.

After treating the wound, several people looked at each other.

Chu He took the lead to break the silence, "Are we still going out? This swarm of gold-eating rats is too powerful. The single-target attack is indeed not very good, but there are too many of them. When we go in, we are like lambs falling into a pack of wolves." .”

No one answered him, but Fang Jin clicked into the mercenary system points and took a look.

This kind of gold-eating mouse is not strong in attack alone, so the points of one of them are not too high, only 50 points, but the number they killed today is quite a lot, and it also makes them rich. integral.

Fang Jin looked at the shining 25,000 points in his points list and grinned.

Abducted his lover, "Li Shen, look at the points list."

After he reminded, the rest of the people were going to turn up the points. Fang Jin had more points than other people because of the ability of the arsenal, but there were definitely a lot of other people.

Most of them have passed 10,000 points, especially Chu Yue, who is a mercenary master, has reached an exaggerated 50,000 points, and it seems that he is not far from paying off his debts.

At first, they were a little bit discouraged, but after seeing the points, they were eager to try again. Sure enough, things that can motivate people to work hard are still benefits.

After reading their respective points, the eyes of several people lit up, and they saw greed from the bottom of each other's eyes.

Anyway, they have the cheating artifact of Xiaoyuan. If they can’t beat them, they will run away. They can kill as much as they can. It’s so cool to earn points like this!

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