Chapter 2- Occupied Station

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Luo Feng Po had a moderately gentle terrain, also on both sides of the hilltop road was a river.

Cheng Yang remembered very clearly, more than a kilometer downstream the river was a town called Huimin Town with a size of about ten thousand people. In Xiangcheng City this could be considered a decent size town.

After the driver left, Cheng Yang went up the slope toward the direction of Luo Feng Po.

There was no inhabitant living at the top of Luo Feng Po, and other than a trail leading to the top, there was no other path.

Using the memories of his previous life, Cheng Yang went directly toward the top. The height of the slope was about two hundred meters off of the ground. Cheng Yang made his way slowly upward. According to his estimation, the territory altar should have been at the top of the hill.

10 minutes later, Cheng Yang's eyes lighted up. He discovered a stone ten meters in front of him, its appearance was exactly like the one seen on the news' pictures of the territory altar. There was also an exposed part of a circular arc that was around a foot tall.

Cheng Yang quickly went before the stone and gently touched the exterior. He was able to confirm what he came searching for was really here, the territory altar!

Cheng Yang's excitement couldn't be expressed into words. If he could really succeed in occupying the altar, waiting for him in the future would be a very different fate...

After a long time, Cheng Yang was able to calm down. He then began recalling the process of occupying the territory altar while gently placing his right palm onto the surface of the altar.

"In the name of Cheng Yang! Occupy this altar!" Cheng Yang concentrated as he spoke this sentence.

A faint white light shot out from the rock, and instantly sank into Cheng Yang's body. He now had a sense of connection with this stone in his flesh and blood.

Countless changes were taking place around the stone, four small sparks appeared on the ground around the altar at about 30 meters in four different directions. After the four light curtains disappeared, standing in front of Cheng Yang turned out to be four statues.

Of course, these could only be regarded as incomplete statues, after all, they only had a head exposed. But according to their estimated proportion, these four statues should have been no less than three meters in height.

"I did it!" Cheng Yang muttered.

Looking at the four familiar statues, Cheng Yang had a dream-like feeling.

He clearly knew that once the end happened, at the center of Xiangcheng City would appear four statues exactly like this but with greater height.

The four statues appearances varied. There was a figure with tall and broad shoulders holding a shield and a sword, dressed in heavy Mythril armor with piercing eyes that looked down upon those below him. Next, there was a skinny person with one hand holding a bow and the other hand holding arrows. His sharp eyes made people think of him as a mighty predator about to hunt his prey. The third statue was a thin figure, holding a wooden rod in his hand that had a flashing gem on the tip of it. The last statue looked normal, but with a stunning and gigantic size tiger standing beside it made those near it feel boundless pressure.

Cheng Yang didn't give it much thought as he came directly before the person holding a wooden rod and placed his right palm on it. A familiar sound reached Cheng Yang's ear, "Do you wish to transfer to Magician?"

"Yes." Cheng Yang decided without hesitation.

At that moment, a multicolored light screen suddenly appeared, as it began to cover and tightly wrapped his body. 

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