Chapter 107- Track

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Since it was not to look for someone, it must really be to look for something. What thing was so important in Xiangcheng City that need all this fuss to search for it?

Suddenly, Cheng Yang recalled a matter. Immediately, he said to Yu Kai, "Come with me. There's a place we need to go."

"Where to?" Yu Kai asked.

While walking Cheng Yang casually replied, "The pub."

After Yu Kai heard that, although he doesn't not know what Cheng Yang wanted to do in the pub, he still followed along.

In fact, Yu Kai had long heard about the pub's features from Cheng Yang, but he really couldn't think of any connection of what the forum had anything to do with the action of Xiangcheng City's army. Could it be that Yuan Jianze published a message on the forum to allow others to sent troops to Xiangcheng City? Unless Yuan Jianze's head was kicked by donkeys, he absolutely would not do such a thing.

Cheng Yang didn't pay attention to Yu Kai and his doubts. It took them a minute to enter the pub. After being seated, Cheng Yang spent 100 points of power value to purchase two cups of Sky Water Pure Brewed Wine.

The reason why Cheng Yang was so generous was for the purpose of having a good stroll in the forum, because 50 points of power value was the lowest consumption required to access and chat in the world module of the Region News. With Cheng Yang's current net worth, he didn't need to be a miser over these measly 100 power values.

"Yangzi, here's pretty high-tech!" Without outsiders present, Yu Kai directly called Cheng Yang by his name.

Cheng Yang smiled and said, "Yeah, this place is amazing. Sadly, the prices here isn't something the average person can afford. I just spent 50 points of power value for each of us, and that only allow let us stay here for half an hour."

"****! Why is it so expensive?" Yu Kai looked in all direction in amazement, "This place look like it can accommodate a thousand people simultaneously. If each person spend 50 points of power value, wouldn't this pub's daily earning be hundreds of thousands of power value?"

Cheng Yang said, "It won't be so that excessive. However, wait until Luo Feng Village start flourishing, at that time a pub can still earn tens of thousands of power value. After all, this is a God opened shop. Its function couldn't be compared to an ordinary pub, so having a higher income is understandable .. ... Okay, the drinks came. You should also take a good look at the forum, perhaps you might find something unexpected."

Just as Cheng Yang's voice faded, the waiter arrived with two exquisite crystal glass cups before them, and then placed a cup in front of each of them.

Yu Kai picked up the glass cup and drank a mouthful, suddenly he bitterly laughed, "Boss, this is 50 power values wine? It isn't much different from fruit wine!"

Cheng Yang lightly took a sip and said, "If you want to stagger when killing monsters, then you can also order yourself a cup of strong liquor."

Yu Kai smiled embarrassedly towards Cheng Yang, "It's fine. Just forget what I said."

Following that, both men opened their respective virtual screen and began to view the content inside. This virtual screen was very special. Only the person sitting on the seat could see the content above, which was also the main reason Cheng Yang had two cups ordered.

Cheng Yang quickly opened the world module in the Region News section. The situation in here compared to the first level "city module" was practically like night and day. If he had to describe it, then city module was lackluster and empty, while the world module was buzzing with voices.

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