Chapter 106- Mishap

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Suddenly, something sparked off inside Lee Wanshan's head. As if he seems to realize what Cheng Yang was going to say next, he immediately said, "Lord, are you saying outside the west channel there's an enchanted beast with the status of Boss?"

Cheng Yang said, "I'm not sure. This is just my guess, but I'm almost positive that outside the west channel that there is no territory altar."

"......" Lee Wanshan hesitated to speak. He doesn't know what Cheng Yang used as a basis to make that speculation, but he decided not to ask. Since Cheng Yang didn't take the initiative to say it, then that naturally means that there were some aspects of concerns to it.

After a brief moment of silent, Lee Wanshan said: "Lord, does that mean we can't pass the west channel at the moment?"

Cheng Yang said, "I didn't say it was absolutely impassable, but the risk will be very large. Of course, if was only to kill the enchanted beast's group on the channel, then it wouldn't be much of an issue."

Lee Wanshan also knew that killing the enchanted beasts on the west channel could at best earn them an item. And its value definitely couldn't be compared with the territory altar.

"Lord, what's our next step? Now the development Luo Feng Village is on the right track, and with Dongshan village and Xianghe Village also in a healthy state of growth, I believe it won't be long before you can upgrade them to level 3. At that time, our territory would have over 8,000 professions. This is a force that can not be looked down upon." Lee Wanshan soon after asked.

Cheng Yang said, "First, we wait for the first batch of transfers to promote to first medium-order apprentice before planning our next step. For now, we will give priority to the development of the three field stations. After that, we'll discuss the rest. If we want to occupy another field station, perhaps the only way is to travel across Xiangcheng City to the surrounding urban areas to have a chance."

Lee Wanshan knew the surrounding environment very well, he frowned, "Lord, the nearest city to Xiangcheng city is nearly 80 km away from both sides. This distance is very far, moreover there's nothing but wilderness separating the cities. Arriving there shouldn't be easy, right?"

Cheng Yang said, "80 km was the prior figure. After the earthquake, many of the terrain has changed. Perhaps now, some places the distance would shirk, while other places might expand. But the journey will inevitably be difficult. However, our development speed isn't slow so it shouldn't be a problem for us to accomplish. If even we are unable to step across the city to occupy the stations, other forces were even more hopeless."

With that said, Cheng Yang paused to think before inquiring, "Oh, that's right. Old Lee, how's the situation in the territory at the moment? Are the common people in the perimeter stable?"

Lee Wanshan said, "It's not bad. Everyday, our profession would bring back a lot of food. Plus, these past few days when we engage in the search and rescue operation, we had found many seasonings and food. The food was stored away by us and the seasonings were used to bake the meat. Although it's a bit tiring to eat the same food day in and day out, but it's much better than sleeping on an empty stomach. It's just....."

"Just what?" Cheng Yang immediately asked.

Lee Wanshan said, "It's just that these past two days our people has intensified the search efforts in the Xiangcheng city like you said, but this had also increased the number of people we save back by a lot. As a result, now the total population of the territory is close to 50,000 people. Every day would consume a tremendous amount of those ingredients, and many of these things now classified as non-renewable resources. I'm afraid that it won't be long before these things completely run out."

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