Chapter 35- Clean Up

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"Farmer?" Lee Wanshan was stunned and said, "There is such profession?"

Cheng Yang said, "There will be, after the rules of Heaven and Earth, the land can't be used to grow food. You can tell from the soaring trees that the soil must have undergone some changes. Also people cannot eat meat every meal, so after the transformation of the land, a secondary profession such as farmer is necessary to grow food. Only problem is that the secondary profession has yet to appear, so what exactly is the situation I don't know."

Lee Wanshan nodded.

Next, Cheng Yang left Lee Wanshan who remained in the station, and once again set off to Huimin Town.

Huimin Town was only one kilometer away from Luo Feng Village, so a small part of the town was included within the territorial range of Luo Feng Village. Although this range was very small, but it could ensure that no enchanted beast would appear along the road from Luo Feng Village to Huimin Town.

When Cheng Yang arrived at Huimin Town, the scene looked like a war zone.

Within a few hundreds square meters, everywhere was filled with Luo Feng Village's transfers busily working. They flipped over the debris on the dilapidated walls, on one hand, in order to find whether there were any people buried beneath, while on the other hand was to search for supplies, among them include food and timber.

When these transfers saw Cheng Yang come over, many of them stopped what they were doing to greet him, and their words were very respectable. Although there was no guarantee that such respect came from the heart, but it could be said that most of these people were sincerely grateful to Cheng Yang. After all, their lives were saved by Cheng Yang.

After Cheng Yang walked more than 100 meters forward, distinct changes could be seen from the surrounding. From here on was out of the scope of Luo Feng Village territory range, and at a certain range, there would be a monster community. Group of transfers dared not act in this area, their eyes firmly stared around and could only communicate with each other in a low voice, for fear of alerting the monster communities in the distance.

Fortunately, there were ruins everywhere, so their body could be hidden in many places, and as long as they were careful, enchanted beasts wouldn't be able to find them.

Cheng Yang first found Yu Kai's team, they were searching for supplies at the moment. Although killing monsters to enhance strength was very good, but now it was too dangerous things to go in any deeper. Unless it was absolutely necessary, many people were reluctant to provoke these enchanted beasts, especially the hordes of enchanted beasts.

"Yangzi, you came back quickly. How was it?" After Yu Kai saw Cheng Yang, he immediately asked.

Cheng Yang repeated what he said to Lee Wanshan once again.

Yu Kai said, "Then we first need to clear the monsters in Huimin Town. I heard from the men that came from Huimin Town that the town used to have two wood processing plants. But after the earthquake, the two wood processing plants seemed to be buried somewhere, and it looked like their positions had changed. Before, those scattered wood we found were from these wood processing plant. As long as we exterminate the monsters in the town, and start a large scale, there will definitely be harvests."

Cheng Yang originally intended to do so, immediately he said, "You go tell some people to gather everyone here, then we'll start a unified attack. First, the groups that has less than 100 enchanted beasts will be exterminated, then I will go whittle down the larger communities by myself."

Subsequently, Cheng Yang explained his tactics to Yu Kai, listening, Liu Hao's eyes lit up, and together with several people quickly left.

Shortly after, more than 100 people gathered around Cheng Yang, now they had gradually adapted to the current environment, they all kept silent, quietly waiting for Cheng Yang's orders.

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