Chapter 52- Undead Canyon

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Cheng Yang wasn't very clear about the situation surrounding this unoccupied altar. Judging from Luo Feng Village's situation, the scale of the monster group around this altar should be similar to the monster group blocking the city's channel. If they were able to successfully win this altar, it would be a huge advantage for Luo Feng Village's development.

Although the last two days Cheng Yang had led the team into Xiangcheng City twice, but each time was done so by marching forward along a line, and without cleaning up the entire scope of monsters. Therefore, this time Cheng Yang and the others had encountered many monster groups along the way.

When facing large monster groups, Cheng Yang without exception started off by opening the Redirection skill, and then by relying upon its formidable attack force, steam-rolled the other side. At the moment, Cheng Yang also did not begrudge on mana potions, and after rapidly eliminating the monster group, they continued forward. Even if there were hidden refugees underground calling for help, Cheng Yang and the others would ignore them, because even if they were rescued now, they couldn't be taken away.

One hour later, after traveling for more than 10 kilometers, the team finally arrived at the eastern outskirt of Xiangcheng City. About 300 meters in front of their position was a channel out of the city. However, in that channel was packed full of the same type of monsters, a monster which Cheng Yang had already seen before, that was the Spotted Spider.

Seeing the scene in front of him no doubt gave Cheng Yang a huge headache.

The Spotted Spider was one of the few enchanted beasts in the first-order that could use remote attacks, and although the spider's silk they spitted out might not do a lot of damage, but it did have a strong binding force. Against small groups of Spotted Spider Cheng Yang would have no fear, but here was enough to have thousands of Spotted Spider. It would be strange if Cheng Yang weren't feeling a bit nervous.

"Lord, what are we gonna do now?" Yu Kai asked in a soft voice, "Fight or not fight?"

Cheng Yang thought for a moment, then said, "We won't for the time being, the only powerful person on our team now is me, and who knows what special talent this Spotted Spider's leader may have? First, we'll go back and continue carrying out the rescues, after your strength is promoted to medium-order apprentice, then we'll come back again and show these Spotted Spiders who's unlucky."

"Okay!" Yu Kai and the others supported the decision. They didn't know that there was a territory altar at the opposite side of this channel, otherwise they wouldn't have so readily agreed.

Cheng Yang and others didn't dare disturb these enchanted beasts, they quietly slipped past, and then continue to head north.

From his arms Cheng Yang pulled out a map, which was drawn based on his past memories of Xiangcheng City after the apocalypse. Inside the map had no buildings marker, the only person that could understand this map was Cheng Yang himself.

At the time, on this map were a few special places that Cheng Yang had marked down, one of which was the east channel. For the other four marked locations, one was the north channel, while the remaining three were distributed in Xiangcheng City.

These three distribution points in Xiangcheng City, there was one close to the main city, which Cheng Yang had never been to. The other two points were further away from the main city, at the time Cheng Yang's goal was one of them, it was located on the path of the search and rescue team.

Along the way, Cheng Yang and the others slowed down a lot. They did not only have to face a variety of monsters, but also search and rescue people.

From the east channel to the location Cheng Yang marked on the map was a straight distance of five kilometers, but on this five kilometers, there were seven rescue points. Therefore, Cheng Yang and the others had to make a few detours. And coupled with the delay caused by the search and rescue operation, by the time they arrived at the mark location, it was already close to two o'clock in the afternoon.

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