Chapter 87- Battling Second-Order

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Cheng Yang's strength was far beyond the level of the general professions. As for Chen Yun and the others, each of them basically had on a full set of iron-grade equipment. Although the number of bronze grade equipment available wasn't much, but everyone also has one to two pieces per person. If it wasn't for the fact that the territory guards couldn't leave the territory, Cheng Yang have absolute confidence that with their five man team, they could trample Xiangcheng city's main city.

"First, we'll destroy these enchanted beasts, and after that we can think our next plan of action." Cheng Yang immediately ordered.

Naturally, Chen Yun's group of four has no comments. The highest strength among these enchanted beasts were first peak-order, so it wasn't hard to kill them. At that time, when they were still at high-order apprentice, they had to fight alone to kill an enchanted beast in the first peak-order, so this was pretty much a stroll in the park for them.

Subsequent battles also confirmed this point. Every courtyard that had ordinary Grells within were quickly resolved by Cheng Yang's team. Before entering the next level, they had actually encountered a Grell in the first peak-order. However, under their joint attack, it died in only a single round.

In less than ten minutes, they had already pushed to the final layer of the Scarlet Church "The Prayer Hall". Along the way, they managed to harvest two piece of equipment, both of which were silver grade.

It seems challenging the nightmare difficulty level instance for the first time really does give out tons of harvest.

Wise Men Necklace: Silver grade accessory. Increases magic attack by 4 points, required apprentice order or above to equipped. Durability: 100/100.

Forest Elf Bow: Silver grade weapon. Increased physical attack by 6 points, required apprentice order or above to equipped. Durability: 100/100.

Needless to say, this wise man necklace went to Cheng Yang. As a result of replacing his necklace, Cheng Yang's attack power increased by 2 points. As for the Forest Elf Bow, it went to Xu Wu. After all , he was the only archer on the team. This Forest Elf Bow added three more points of attack than the iron grade in his hand, so it can be seen what a powerful piece of equipment this bow was.

Cheng Yang looked at the prayer hall in front, feeling slightly numbed in his heart.

In the previous apocalypse, Cheng Yang had also entered the nightmare difficulty level of the Scarlet Church, but at that time he only played the role of a lacky. During that battle, he fully recognized the powerful might of a second early-order enchanted beast. What's more, this Grell chieftain wasn't any ordinary leader, it had on the title of Boss.

"Chen Yun, can you resist this Grell Boss's attack? "Cheng Yang softly whispered to Chen Yun who was by his side.

Chen Yun said: "This Grell belonged to the physical attack category. At the moment, my bare physical defense is at 17 points. And if we include Zeng Yue's priest buff, my defense will go up to 18 points. Then, after putting on equipment adding on extra defense, my defense will at least hit 20 points. The Grell Boss on the other side can deal up to 60 points of damage. With my health, I can withstand up to five attacks. However, that is in the event that I'm hit. Not to mention the fact we have potions and Zeng Yue's healing to support me. This make surviving a breeze. Also, with my fighting skills, even if it's a Grell in the second early-order, it will be hard for it to sent me flying."

Listening to his explanation, Cheng Yang was convinced. Regarding Chen Yun's words, there's no doubt he trust it very much.

"Okay, in a moment Cao Cun will call out his summoned beast to rush up first, and then afterwards you will use your Charge skill to make the Boss dizzy. For the time being, I won't use my Freeze skill, just in case something goes wrong. This battle, the only way is to face it head-on." Cheng Yang immediately ordered," Cao Cun, call out your summoned beast. Once the cooldown for the skill end, we will start."

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