Chapter 120- Ranged Shot

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When Liu Xiyue came to Cheng Yang's side, her expression wasn't looking too good.

"Are you all right?" Cheng Yang asked with concern.

Liu Xiyue gently shook her head, she said, "I'm fine. This is my first time killing so many people, so it was hard for me to stomach."

Cheng Yang deeply sighed, "This is the way this world is now, you'll get used to it. Now that the problem with the military has been resolved, we should be free of problems for the time being."

Liu Xiyue didn't ask what happened, since Cheng Yang said the problem was solved, she just need to accept the result.

Cheng Yang understood well in his heart that even though Yuan Jianze promised to his conditions, he wasn't sincere in doing so, but was forced into it because of him. Of course, the reason for the agreement was due to their lack of strength.

Yuan Jianze chose to compromise to win time for himself. However, what he didn't know was that Cheng Yang also did it for the same reason. Now it was time to see which side would progress the fastest.

As a person who had experienced rebirth, if Cheng Yang wasn't confident in this matter, his one year of experience after the apocalypse might as well be blank.

The time was almost noon. Carefully thinking about his next plan of action, Cheng Yang decided to continue on according to the morning plan: Go to Xianghe Village, and clear the hard difficulty level of the instance around it.

From here, the distance to Xianghe Village wasn't very far. It was only less than seven km away. The two of them only spent half an hour, before entering the village.

"Lord, how did you get here so quickly? Could it be that Yuan Jianze and his group of men didn't find the entrance to the Undead Canyon instance?" Liu Hao was currently eating lunch with everyone in the village. A giant wolf leg that had been baked golden had a piece torn off by him, before being scrupulously eaten inside his mouth.

Cheng Yang leaned over the huge wolf's body and pulled off a piece of meat, he replied, "They came, but I drove them away. I also forced them to sign a contract with me. Therefore for a short time, they will not be picking a fight with us."

Cheng Yang began to briefly narrate the details to the negotiation.

Liu Hao had a look of pity, he said, "Boss, that's such a waste. Why did you only ask for 500,000 points of power value? Why not ask for 1 million? With 1 million points of power value, you can open up 10 times cultivation speed. That would've also made the territory upgrade faster. When you reach scholar rank, who in the world would be able to stop you?"

Cheng Yang warned him, "No matter how powerful I am, I can't protect the entire station by myself. As far as the current situation is concerned, my strength is already powerful enough. My first peak-order strength is a huge deterrence. Even if the other side can create first medium-order professions, the deterrence would still be there. In any case, they still wouldn't be able to break through my defense. Therefore, the most important thing for us now is a period of peace to develop. Taking advantage of this period of time, we must speed up the enhancement of our overall strength. In the meantime, we should also pay attention to the penetration of the main city's forces. Try to draw in those small mercenary groups and militias, so that when the main city is divided to a certain extent, Yuan Jianze won't consider troubling us."

Liu Hao said, "Urg, all this scheming is hurting my head. Since you think this method is good, then it's settled. No need to ask for my inputs. Lord, that being the case, are you here for the purpose of clearing the hard difficulty level of the instance?"

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