Chapter 8- Occupation Transfer

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With the completion of Yu Kai's transfer, he obtained some insight concerning the abilities of an archer. Even with this knowledge, being able to use the skills to their full potential required practices.

Cheng Yang and Yu Kai once more ascended the wooden wall and began using the enchanted beasts outside as target practice.

In the beginning, Yu Kai had some difficulties even hitting a target, but after shooting more than 10 arrows his accuracy slowly improved to 70%. Although it's still far from Cheng Yang's 100% hit rate, it's still considered fast progress.

The reason for Yu Kai's quick progress in accuracy was due to Cheng Yang imparting upon him skills that took millions of lives for humans to learn after the end happened, providing him with an advantage over other people currently. But even with all this it was mostly because Yu Kai was a natural born Archer. His shooting skills left even Cheng Yang amazed.

After three minutes, the territory's power value once again reached 10 points. This time Cheng Yang took Niu Bing with him down the wall to have him transfer occupations. According to his talent, Niu Bing was suited for Summoner. At the beginning, a Summoner could only summon a melee animal, but it wasn't afraid of dying. This allowed the Summoner to send it over the wall to battle at close range with the enchanted beasts. Afterwards, when the summoned beast died, it could be re-summoned over again. They could also be used as cannon fodder in most conflicts to lessen casualties.

Of course, the reason Cheng Yang made Niu Bing transfer to Summoner wasn't because of any of this, he wanted to confirm if his earlier guess were correct. In the previous world, Niu Bing's talent wasn't good at all.

After a few seconds, on Niu Bing's hand appeared an ordinary stick, but it was much longer than the one Cheng Yang has. This stick signified that Niu Bing successfully transferred to Summoner.

Name: Niu BingSubordinate Force: Luo Feng VillageOccupation: SummonerRank: Low-order Summoner's apprentice (0%)Age: 20Life: 110 yearsHealth: 30Mana: 20Physical Attack: 1Magic Attack: 5Physical Defense: 1Magic Defense: 1Attack Speed: 1Movement Speed: 1.1Talent:
1. Each increasing a minor order, enhances summoned beast's attack by 3%.
2. Each increasing a minor order, enhances summoned beast's health by 3%.Skills:
1. Spiritualism: Level 1 (Summoner basic skill, through cultivation it can gradually enhance one's strength. Skill level increases associated with career-order ascension.)
2. Summon Dark Wolf: Level 1 (Summons a Dark Wolf that deals magic damage at close range. Inherits 100% of the Summoner properties, Dark Wolf's duration lasts for 10 minutes, the cooldown is 1 minute. Spell consumes 10 mana. Proficiency 0%.)Equipment:
+Staff: Summoner status symbol, holds no additional properties.

Looking at Niu Bing's properties, Cheng Yang was pleased. His earlier speculation had been confirmed by viewing Niu Bing's properties. It seemed that the earlier a person transferred occupations, the more likely it was they would receive a high level talent.

The end had just started, they could be some of the earliest people on Earth to transfer occupations, or maybe they were the only people to transfer at this point. According to his speculation, the next several occupational transfers will likely all be S-class.

In that case, he needed to use them wisely or else these S-class talents would go to waste.

With Niu Bing joining the fight, they began to gather more strength. Cheng Yang and his two bros started a massacre; it was easy with the enchanted beasts not being able to reach them. Niu Bing summoned a wolf that jumped directly off the wall and straight into close combat with an enchanted beast. The scene quickly turned bloody. The summoned Dark Wolf and the enchanted beasts were of the first low-order, but under constant siege from all of the enchanted beasts it quickly died.

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