Chapter 7- Talent Change

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At this time, in the center of Xiangcheng City's ruins a screen appeared with a three-kilometer radius.

While the screen was expanding outward, everyone who saw it was scared to turn around and start running, because they didn't know what the consequences would be from touching it. Some people who ran a little slower than the rest were hit by the light curtain and catapulted outwards, forcing them to continue to flee forward.

What these people didn't know was that in the middle of the ruins would gradually appear four, dozens of meters tall statues. The shape was identical to the four statues of Luo Feng Village but the height was 10 times greater. Besides the four statues, there were also six antique buildings. What the six buildings roles were, exactly nobody knew. At least the people in Xiangcheng City didn't know.


Cheng Yang was currently running at high speed.

Being with a girl forced them to reduce their speed a lot, after four minutes they only went forward more than 700 meters.

Suddenly, Cheng Yang's face slightly changed. He felt a subtle energy in the air. This kind of volatility usually occurs whenever an enchanted beast was about to emerge.

Sure enough, as they continued to move more than 50 meters forward, a flash of light jumped in front of them and a grey wolf appeared. It let out a howl as it lunged toward Cheng Yang's group.

Niu Bing was jumping out of his skin, the way this animal appeared was way too weird, and it was a wolf! For most humans, this was considered a real predator.

"Magic Missile!" Cheng Yang's heart meditated, a white ball began to form light at the top of his staff, and then shot out at the grey wolf with the speed of a bullet.

This Grey Wolf was an early-order monster, the equivalent of low-order sorcerer's apprentice. After getting hit by Cheng Yang's Magic Missile it was immediately repelled back, its injuries weren't light at all.

But this wolf was very vicious, after getting injured it didn't choose to escape, but to once again wildly rush at them.

"That wolf didn't die?" Niu Bing, Pang Shan and the taxi driver were shocked. They thought that the monster would be instantly killed after getting hit by Cheng Yang's attack, but it was still alive and kicking!

Cheng Yang raised his wand and explained, "This Gray Wolf is an enchanted beast of the early-order, equivalent to the strength of a human low-order warrior apprentice. Their hit points are about 30, my Magic Missile can only cause 9 points of damage, so naturally it's not a one hit kill." Cheng Yang said while shooting off another Magic Missile.

The Gray Wolf hadn't had time to run forward more than a few steps before it was beaten back once more.

Why do these words sound like they're from a game? Niu Bing, Pang Shan and the taxi driver had calmed down a bit after the initial shock, but they still were unable to accept that such a monster actually existed.

The Gray Wolf released a pained howl and rushed again towards Cheng Yang. Cheng Yang quickly stepped back and sent another attack, making the wolf fly violently backwards.

After hitting the ground, the wolf died on the spot without the slightest breath left in its body.

Suddenly, a few fuzzy points of light flew out from the Gray Wolf's body, entering into Cheng Yang's body. These lights were power values. They could be absorbed in the village territory power value, and would also appear in the personal properties panel.

Power values didn't directly enhance people's strength, but their usage was enormously important.

First of all, it could be used to make the cultivation speed even faster. With the usage of power value, the cultivation speed could be boosted to two times as fast, or to even higher levels. The speed increase depended on the total power value a person had to use.

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