Chapter 43- Bloodthirsty Jackals Beheaded

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Cheng Yang became increasingly anxious, but he could only released one magic missile per second. His present attack speed bonus is negligible, so while suppressing his heart full of anxiety, he once again shot out a magic missile.

The Bloodthirsty Jackal's leader simply disregarded the incoming magic missile, and was obsessed with getting the tree snapped, so Cheng Yang easily hit the target once more.

Cheng Yang didn't have a probing skill, so he can't see the the rest of the Bloodthirsty Jackal's leader's health. He can only roughly estimated it. With its first-late order strength, it can resist his attack up to four times, which mean if he can hit other side two more times, even the Bloodthirsty Jackal's leader will cease its breath.

But Cheng Yang now has no time to carry out those two attacks, the tree beneath him already can't bear to hold under the Bloodthirsty Jackal's bites, finally started to break down from the base. The trees surrounding him wasn't large, so when the tree felled, it fell straight to the ground.

During the toppling process, Cheng Yang held one hand tightly around the trunk, and then with his hand holding the Spirit bone staff, he flicked a magic missile off.

With Cheng Yang's fighting sense, he didn't need to look back, he could determine his magic missile has hit the Bloodthirsty Jackal's leader. In the moment of landing, Cheng Yang didn't turned to flee, but instead he suddenly leaped upward onto the fallen tree's branches. Meanwhile, five Bloodthirsty Jackals rapidly came to his location.

At this time, if the tree branches are broken off, Cheng Yang will have no room for manoeuvre, and will fall directly into the surrounding Bloodthirsty Jackals.

Why did Cheng Yang make such a decision? He wasn't crazy, but made the decision after carefully weighing it.

A mocking expression flashed through the eyes of the Bloodthirsty Jackal's leader, in its view, the other side is obviously courting death. Although he can only afford one attack from the other side, but to kill a weak mage trapped in the enclosure, how can it required its personal participation? His four subordinates is completely enough to solve the other side.

Cheng Yang saw the Bloodthirsty Jackal's leader standing 30 meters away, then he looked at the almost broken tree branches caused by the four secondary leaders. His face showed a hint of decisiveness, it seems it's time to make a gamble.

Immediately, Cheng Yang shot a magic missile toward a secondary leader, followed by the tree branches snapping, Cheng Yang instantly fell to the ground.

The four secondary leaders wasn't aware of the situation, and immediately swarmed toward Cheng Yang's body, trying to bite it.

Cheng Yang fired another magic missile at the injured secondary leader causing it to suddenly collapsed, it couldn't be anymore dead.

The other three Bloodthirsty Jackal secondary leaders arrived at Cheng Yang's side at this time, and using their sharp fangs, they bites towards Cheng Yang's neck.

Cheng Yang was startled, even though he knew that after the world had turned into a game, getting hit in the throat will not deal more damage, but the visual impact is too strong. Even for Cheng Yang with his one year experience in the apocalypse, he still can't completely ignore the feeling of getting his throat ripped.

Cheng Yang's reaction can be described as fast, but the three Bloodthirsty Jackals wasn't much slower. Although he managed to escaped the attacks on his throat, the three Bloodthirsty Jackals was still able to bite onto his thigh.

In an instant, Cheng Yang's health was reduced by 24 points. Even though the world has turned into a game, there still a lot of realistic factors, such as pain. Although his body became more powerful, which made the pain reduced a lot, but the moment the three Bloodthirsty Jackal's fangs bit into his flesh, it feel like a cone pierced through his heart..

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