Chapter 45- Divide Into 2 Groups

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Lee Wanshan's eyes flashed a trace of shock, in his opinion the punishment Cheng Yang spoke of was just too light; after all, this was a life. But what Lee Wanshan didn't know was that after the apocalypse, the things that were most worthless are human lives.

Cheng Yang then said, "Now the channel is open, so entering Xiangcheng City will no longer be a problem. But inside Xiangcheng City isn't peaceful, we first need to have a discussion."

Next, Cheng Yang let the team vice-captains find a place for all the professions to rest, while he along with Yu Kai, Liu Hao, and Lee Wanshan held a simple conference.

Yu Kai said, "Yangzi, do you know what's the situation is like in Xiangcheng City?"

Cheng Yang said, "Not really, but I can guess a thing or two. Now the military has occupied Xiangcheng City, but they shouldn't have a lot of professions. They should still be focusing their activities around the inner-city, so the relief efforts for the whole city has only just begun."

Yu Kai frowned and said, "Are you saying the main city is similar to our Luo Feng Village?"

Cheng Yang nodded and said, "At the moment, Xiangcheng City's main city* should only be 45 kilometers in size, the numbers of troops inside is fewer than 10,000 people, while ordinary people shouldn't be more than 50,000." [This is the area inside of the light screen.]

Yu Kai's eyes light up, he immediately said, "Yangzi, maybe we should try occupying Xiangcheng City's main city."

Cheng Yang rolled his eyes and said, "You're saying it like it's easy, although Xiangcheng City's personnel aren't much, but it's way more than our team of 200 people. Also, currently there are a lot of guns in the hands of the military. These things can be a huge threat to us."

Yu Kai's face immediately collapsed, he said, "What should we do? If the military knows about our existence, they won't tolerate Luo Feng Village's existence, and even if they don't kill us, we will also be assimilated into their control. They are so powerful, how will we fight against them?"

Lee Wanshan immediately said, "We can quietly go in, and not let the military know that we exist. After our families are rescued, we return to Luo Feng Village to enhance our strength."

Cheng Yang said, "Lee, you said exactly what I thought. As long as they don't know the existence of Luo Feng Village, give us a month of development time, we will no longer have to fear Xiangcheng City's military force. You guys are the people I trusted the most, there is a sentence I need to say to you guys, I don't want our future destiny to be in the hands of others, and since I occupy Luo Feng Village, this must absolutely not come true. And you, if they choose to stay in Luo Feng Village, it will definitely become prominent. If you instead choose to go to the military, any future developments that goes on over there, you guys can think on your own."

Liu Hao brightly smiled and said, "Say no more, several of us brothers are mixed together with you anyway. There's a lot of things I don't know, but one thing I do know, in the future if I want to save my family, relying on the military is impossible. They are not going to go through all that risks for an unimportant person like me. Brother Kai, what do you think?"

Yu Kai bitterly smiled, he said, "I also have the same idea, I just hope my family can survive in this disaster."

Although they did contact their families by phone according to Cheng Yang's instruction, but this only gave them a greater chance of surviving. If they could, after the earthquake ended, first break into the light screen, it would be a great opportunity for them, and the chances of them surviving would also increase. If they weren't able to make it into the light screen in this period of time, they wouldn't have any distinct advantage compared with other people*. [He's talking about the talent.]

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