Chapter 14- Moonlit Night

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The spider was prepared to forcibly pull Cheng Yang toward it, but Cheng Yang fired off a Magic Missile, disrupting its rhythm. Without the silk's retraction force, its own strength was no longer enough to pull Cheng Yang up in the air.

"Attack!" Cheng Yang ordered, releasing a Magic Missile straight at the treetop.

At the same time, the remaining other seven ranged occupations also released their attacks toward the tree. Soon, the spider was killed by the non-stop attacks; its body fell from the tree onto the ground.

Cheng Yang said warily, "A Spotted Spider is only a first early-order enchanted beast, but fighting it in the woods is very troublesome. It's one of the few first-order enchanted beasts with ranged attack capability, and it likes to hide in the dark, attacking people when they are off guard. Its strength is strong enough to lift people up with its silk if they get caught, so be careful."

The group almost didn't need Cheng Yang to remind them, they also knew they needed to be careful; after all, such a huge spider made people terrified just from watching it. Nobody wanted to end up as food in its mouth.

So far Cheng Yang had already launched four skills, the rest of the long distance transfers had also used two skills. In order to avoid any unexpected situations, everyone sat down to recover for nearly 20 seconds so that their mana could completely recover, then they would move on.

After walking forward around 40 meters, Cheng Yang's ears pricked up and his face suddenly changed, leading him to yell, "Watch out! Enchanted beasts are coming, get ready to attack!"

His voice had just faded away when 12 Green Anoraks burst out from the side of the woods. The previous fight had probably attracted this group of enchanted beasts' attention.

Cheng Yang was the quickest to react, shooting a Magic Missile toward the front of the beasts. The Magic Missile hit a Green Anorak near the front, sending it flying to the ground. Thankfully everyone had plenty of fighting experience at this point. The group would attack the enchanted beasts together, as long as Cheng Yang's attack and the rest of the groups' attacks hit their target it would be an instant kill. Of course, this was based on the premise that all of their attacks landed directly on the beast; otherwise they would fail to kill it.

The Green Anoraks sprinting toward them were only 10 meters away from Cheng Yang's group, so naturally every single attack hit the enchanted beasts. The first Green Anorak quickly died while still charging forward.

Cheng Yang continued to attack while Lee Wanshan's group of four Warriors were preparing to use their shield to stop the Green Anoraks charge. As for the four summoned Dark Wolves, they had already rushed out toward the group of enchanted beasts; their current task was to be meat shields, and delay the advance of these Green Anoraks.

Although a Summoner could upgrade their own properties, their properties were really mostly for the summons, not them. Their own physical attack was just too weak; they couldn't even break an enchanted beast's defense if they tried.

This was the Summoner's flaw, whose fighting ability was fully dependent on its summons. A summoned beast wasn't afraid of death though; once it died it could be called out again.

Currently, there were more than 10 Green Anoraks who were blocked by the four Dark Wolves resistance, their momentum falling a bit. They then directly changed their attention toward the four Dark Wolves. Using the pitchforks in their hands, they constantly attacked the Dark Wolves.

How could Cheng Yang let such an opportunity go by? The group constantly launched a multitude of attacks, the Green Anoraks were being killed one by one; soon five Green Anoraks had perished.

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