Chapter 10- Fighting

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After dealing with the Green Anorak, Cheng Yang said, "The next enchanted beast will be dealt with by the three of you. Just know that the world isn't exactly like a game, for instance; the skills won't automatically lock onto a target. So every time you shoot off a Magic Missile or an arrow, you need to properly aim at the target, or else it would be a waste of mana. So, I hope that you will wait until the enchanted beast is close before you start shooting at them, it can also help the Warriors practice defending."

Lee Wanshan deeply nodded and said, "Little bro, don't worry! The times have changed, we all know what to do now."

Afterwards, Lee Wanshan turned to the other two people and said, "Du Cheng and I will be at the frontline. Since our attacks are weaker than a magician, we will be depending on you to be the damage dealer, Feng Jie."

While speaking, a flash of white light once again appeared in the distance, a wolf-like animal appeared from seemingly out of nowhere. It did the same thing as the Green Anorak; it rushed quickly towards Cheng Yang's group.

"Prepare for battle!" Cheng Yang said loudly, then quietly slipped to the back to watch the battle.

The Gray Wolf was coming straight towards them, 50 meters...... 40 m...... 30 m...... 20 m......

"ZOOOM...!" A white ball of light suddenly ejected out from the gate, and went straight towards the direction of the Gray Wolf. It flew right past the Gray Wolf's head, not a single hair on the beast had been touched.

"I......" the tense 20 year old Feng Jie wanted to say something. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that the Magic Missile was a skill that he had launched.

Cheng Yang had no expression during the entire event and said, "No need to explain! Just keep fighting!"

Feng Jie closed his mouth; he seemed to understand that now wasn't the time to explain. The Gray Wolf had reached a distance of only 10 meters away from them now.

Lee Wanshan's face hardened, rushing directly forward with his shield. He butted against the Gray Wolf with the shield, forcing the wolf to recede a bit, but Lee Wanshan suffered the most from the overall impact of his charge. He wasn't even able to stand on his feet steadily.

After the Gray Wolf steadied itself, it once more lunged towards the gate. Du Cheng shouted loudly trying to suppress his fears, while rushing towards the gray wolf. It might be due to his fear, but he didn't use his shield to defend, instead he used his sword to slash toward the Gray Wolf's head.

"Ding......" Du Cheng's sword landed on the Gray Wolf's head. The sword wasn't even able to cause a wound on the Gray Wolf's hard head. Even the impact created was almost nonexistent. The wolf butted the shield of Du Cheng away, then by using its huge mouth to bite toward his shoulder.

"Ah......" with the two side so close together, Du Cheng wasn't able to dodge in time, and was bitten on the shoulder.

After the Gray Wolf bit Du Cheng's shoulder, it immediately let go and went toward his throat with its sharp teeth.

"Pop......" It wasn't the sound of Du Cheng being bitten, but Feng Jie's Magic Missile hitting the Gray Wolf, forcing it back.

Seizing this opportunity, Du Cheng retreated. He didn't dare rush up alone again. He immediately went to Lee Wanshan, and went side by side back toward the Gray Wolf. Although the bite was causing Du Cheng intense pain, he was face to face with what could be his death, so he didn't care too much about it.

"Kill!" Two people, each holding a shield blocked the Gray Wolf from lunging again, followed by two swords swinging from both sides. Lee Wanshan managed to hit the target, but Du Cheng's sword missed. However, the wolf faced with the two shields blocking its front wasn't able to do anything back.

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