Chapter 42- Snake from its hole

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This could be described as poking a hornet's nest, the loud ruckus caused all the Bloodthirsty Jackals to shift their attention toward Cheng Yang's direction. Immediately, the monsters issued howls to the heaven, and countless Bloodthirsty Jackals began crazily charging toward Cheng Yang.

Cheng Yang wasn't hidden, so it was not surprising that he was easily found by this group of Bloodthirsty Jackals. Cheng Yang immediately began fleeing southward at flying speed, while continuously shooting at the Bloodthirsty Jackals chasing him.

After running close to a hundred meters, there were already more than 10 Bloodthirsty Jackals killed. The leader of this group of Bloodthirsty Jackals wasn't the same as the Black Wolf he met yesterday, it didn't let Cheng Yang continue such a massacre. Followed by a howl, the leader along with more than 10 Bloodthirsty Jackals rushed out from the group.

From the shape of the rushing Bloodthirsty Jackal's bodies, he could infer that there wasn't even a first-early order enchanted beast. In other words, it could be seen that this group of Bloodthirsty Jackals did not only have a large number of first-early order enchanted beasts, but there was also a certain of amount of secondary leaders. These secondary leaders along with the head Bloodthirsty Jackal, constituted this entire monster community management system.

Cheng Yang carefully considered his next course of action. With all the leaders of this enchanted beasts herd rushing out, for him, there were advantages and disadvantages. As long as these Bloodthirsty Jackal's leaders were destroyed, then those remaining weren't worth worrying about, but the key was how to eliminate these guys. They were separated from the rest of the pack, so his advantages in speed undoubtedly weakened a lot. Although his speed was faster than them by two times, but that could be said to be his speed limit.

Whether it was before the arrival of the apocalypse, or after the apocalypse, human could only sustain the speed limit for a limited amount of time. Before the apocalypse, professionally trained athletes could adhere for almost three hundred to four hundred meters. After the apocalypse, special restrictions were placed, and how long humans were able to run at full speed became associated with the physical defense and physical damage. The average of the two properties allowed humans to run continuously at full speed for at least several minutes.

Enchanted beasts were a lot weaker in this regard, according to the different ethnic groups, this restriction might also be different, especially for dogs and wolves which had a particular advantage in this area. So in spite of Cheng Yang's speed being two times faster than the Bloodthirsty Jackals, but regarding the real competition in speed, the gap between the two was not very big.

After weighing his options, Cheng Yang decided to attack the leader of the Bloodthirsty Jackals. If the leader caught up to him when his physical consumption was almost up, he probably wouldn't even have enough strength to deal with it.

To distinguish the leader from the group of Bloodthirsty Jackals wasn't easy, but it was not too difficult either. According to their speed, the first-mid order secondary leaders should have already been at full speed, while the first-late order leader was still running leisurely.

After he made up his mind, Cheng Yang immediately slowed down, while at the same time a magic missile directly hit the head of the Bloodthirsty Jackal's leader.

The Bloodthirsty Jackal's leader did have a bit of wisdom, after getting hit by two magic missiles, it slightly lowered its speed, and let a secondary leader rush in front of it to wear off the attacks. The way this guy fought showed that it was very experienced, often it could grasp the battle rhythm, and under the next several attacks, there would definitely be a secondary leader between him and the leader of the Bloodthirsty Jackals.

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