Chapter 97- Black Tortoise Island

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Liu Xiyue naturally knew about the road established by the rules, because in Luo Feng Village there was one. At the moment in the entire village, there didn't exist a person who didn't know about it.

Following that, Liu Xiyue no longer continued asking about the issue. She had also heard the difficulty of building the road. Even with the close distance between Luo Feng Village and Dongshan Village, to build a road between the two was extremely difficult, let alone across the city or across the province.

After two hours, within three kilometers of the eastern part of Dongshan Village had been completely visited by Cheng Yang. During the search, they ran across a large group of enchanted beast, but without exception they were all destroyed.

While searching, many enchanted beasts were killed but not a shadow could be seen of the instance entrance.

"Okay, let's move up a bit more. We're only less than four kilometers away from the altar." Cheng Yang muttered softly, and then continue to have a contest with those thorns.

In the middle of Cheng Yang's cutting jubilation, Liu Xiyue suddenly pointed to the left and asked, "Lord, is that what you are looking for?"

Cheng Yang stopped his action, looking to the direction Liu Xiyue was referring to. Through the shelter of the thickets, he saw about seventy to eighty meters away was a white glimmer constantly flashing.

"Found it!" Cheng Yang was relieved. Although he had yet to see the complete picture of the white glimmer, but for it to appear here, apart from the instance entrance portal, Cheng Yang really couldn't think of what else that could emit off this light.

"Come, let's go take a look." Cheng Yang immediately said, and then with Liu Xiyue walked over toward that side.

After leading the way for more than 40 meters, Cheng Yang was able to firmly confirm his speculation. It was indeed an instance entrance portal, with the exact same appearance as the Scarlet Church instance entrance portal in the territory.

"What instance is this?" Liu Xiyue asked in a low voice, with a flush of excitement on her face.

Cheng Yang with a wry smile, said, "I wouldn't know. I've never been in this instance."

"But... but they told me that you seem to know of a lot of things." Liu Xiyue didn't seems to believe what Cheng Yang said.

Cheng Yang said, "I really do know about a lot of stuffs, but that doesn't mean I know everything. The world is so big, even if it were God himself, it would be impossible for him to know all the things that are going on."

Liu Xiyue nodded and said, "That's also true. So what do we do now? Should we go back and inform Yu Kai, or just enter the instance first?"

She had no doubt about Cheng Yang's ability to solo clear this instance. After all, Cheng Yang had said before that this instance was only a primary grade small-scaled instance, and coupled with it being the first clearance, they could only enter the normal difficulty level, which was not challenging at all for Cheng Yang.

Cheng Yang looked at the sky and said, "During the first clearance of an instance, an unexpected situation might occur and with Yu Kai's current ability, it will be very hard for him to cope with it. It's better if we go inform him first, and had him enter the instance together with us. This way, it will also make it easier for them to raid the instance later."

Liu Xiyue didn't oppose his view. At once, the two turned around and walked toward the direction of Dongshan Village.

The search was very challenging, but the return journey was very relaxed. It was only a straight distance of four kilometers, which took the two people no more than 20 minutes to arrive.

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