Chapter 100- Rescuing People

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"It looks like you're very confident!" Cheng Yang coldly smiled, "If you are in such a hurry to die, then by all means begin. But if you aren't in a rush, then let me finish this conversation first before getting back to you."

After having said that, Cheng Yang ignored Scarface, and turned to the middle-aged woman, he asked, "Big sis, you don't need to worry. Even if I am alone, I've never really taken this flock of people seriously. Tell me about the matter again in details. Where are they keeping people? And how did you know that they are keeping women captive?"

The middle-aged woman said, "It's not too far away in front of here. It used to be an underground parking lot. When the earthquake had occurred the high-rise building collapsed but the area below it was actually retained. These people seized control of that parking lot, as a hideout where they commit all sorts of outrages. As so it happens we ran into a woman today who had escaped from that place. Otherwise, we wouldn't be aware of this situation."

The scar-faced man watched the calm expression on Cheng Yang's face, and couldn't help but feel unease. However, after hearing what the middle-aged women had said, he immediately retorted, "What nonsense are you talking about? If it weren't for us taking pity on them, and took the time to save them from the ruins, they would've already starved to death. Moreover, we gave them food that we found each day, so they were grateful to us and chose to stay together with us voluntarily. What? Got a problem with that?!"

"********!" The big sis had already lost her cool, "If it were voluntary, then why was little Ling's body covered with bruises? Don't think those despicable activities of yours can be hidden from people. Today, even we have to risk all of our lives, we'll also make sure to take you and this group of scumbags with us."

"Kill me? It also depends whether you have that ability." The scar-faced man approached them.

Then the scar-faced man raised his hands, nocking an arrow into his bow before shooting it toward the woman.

The arrow speed wasn't something that the women could avoid, in a flash the arrow had already hit her in the stomach. Merely, the women's remaining health wasn't something that the scar-faced man's arrow could completely empty, therefore this woman was fortunately still standing there.

Anger welled up from within Cheng Yang. I was still here speaking with people! How dare someone launch an arrow behind my back?

"Looks like you're tired of living!" Immediately, Cheng Yang raised the Mithril Staff in his hand, and slowly formed an ice puck at the tip......

This was a trick for releasing magic skills. Anyone could slow down the release process, but if anyone wanted to rely on this technique to speed up the casting process, then it would be impossible because the casting speed was controlled by the rules. The speed could be slowed down, but it was actually incapable of accelerating.

When the ice puck appeared, it undoubtedly gave many people a great shock. Magicians, they had seen. But a magician that could fire ice puck, they had never heard before. By then all of a sudden one appeared in front of them, so how could they not be surprised by it?

"You...... What skill is this?" The shock on scar-faced man's face gradually turned into panic, a fear that erupted of the unknowns. Although he felt that the ice puck could not immediately kill his small life, but he felt that this matter had begun to spiral out of his control.

Cheng Yang with a playful smile on his face said, "You have never seen such a skill? It doesn't just look good, but it can also take the life of very important people."

After having said that, Cheng Yang no longer had any intention of playing around and with a sudden jerk of his staff, the ice puck instantly ejected out from the staff and landed a direct hit on Scarface's forehead.

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