Awkward - Willow

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- Idk what I'm doing at this point but whatever. I rly should be studying or something rn but it's fine I love what I do here lol. 

THANK YOU FOR 500 READS! Gave me something good to come back to after being berated by my mother. Swear warning! Happy reading :) -

I didn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about what I did. It was so stupid. I was so stupid. 

I covered my face with my hands, the look on his face stained into my brain. 

But titan I couldn't help it. I've wanted to kiss him for a while now, what happened last night was easily the tamest thing I could've done. 

I thought about kissing him on the lips. Shit. Fuck. Crap. Help

I stared up at the ceiling. What was wrong with me? And how could I even face him now? 

I let out a low groan and grabbed my glasses off the nightstand. I slapped my hands onto either sides of my face, then balled my hands into fists, determined. 

"You, are Willow Park. And you were not raised to be a wimp! Go get 'em lyger." I said to myself. 

I sat up and threw my blankets to the floor, walking downstairs. 

I entered the kitchen where my eyes fell immedietly to Hunter. I took it back, I wasn't ready for this. 

Luz waved enthusiastically at me. "Morning Willow!" 

I waved back, with far less enthusiasm though. 

Hunter looked away, at something out the window. It makes sense why he would be avoiding me but it still stung a bit.

"Willow! We're going back to the pool today!" Gus said excitedly. 

"That's great." I said in a boring, meloncholy tone. I think I tried to sound excited. I really think I did. But it didn't really work. 

Amity left to get ready for her day and Luz looked between Hunter and I awkwardly.

"Hey Gus!" Luz yelled, plastering a bright smile over her face. "Do you know what a rubix cube is?" 

Gus nodded slowly. "It's a human mind-torture device right?" 

Luz's face twisted in a mix of amusement and confusion. "Uh yes, and no. It's a puzzle. Wanna see one?"

Gus's face lit up. "Yeah! I wanna hold it!!"

She gestured 'follow me' with her arm to him and winked in Hunter's direction as she and Gus ran off.

I sat at the table silently. If I say nothing, nothing happened. I repeated in my head.

"Willow-" Hunter started.

Shit I've been compromised! My best bet was to ramble and gaslight him into thinking it never even happened and he's delusional. 

"So like, last night, I mean do you even remember what happened last night because nothing was like memorable at all but like even if you did remember something it wouldn't be an issue right?? Because whatever happened was like a huge mistake and I'm hoping you don't super duper hate me because that would suck. Not because of anything suspicious but uh just because you're like a really good friend. But not.. too good of a friend y'know because you're just uhhh... my friend."

Well played, Willow.

He looked like he was trying to process everything I just basically spat at him, opening his mouth to speak, closing it, opening again then ultimatley deciding keeping it closed.

I bit down on my bottom lip, praying to the titan I didn't just make things worse. 

He took a breath in before replying. "I don't remember anything special happening last night." 

Now, I was just conflicted. Admittedly, hearing that from him hurt a little bit, especially after me kissing him like bro what the heck. But also I was somewhat relieved because his response was super non-confrontational.

But seriously. Jerk move saying nothing happened because we both knew something happened and thank you. Thank you so much for not making me talk anymore.

We waited in the most uncomfortable silence I've ever sat in. Of course I've ruined it. I've gone from half-a-witch-Willow to half-a-person-Willow. Great.

Camila walked into the kitchen and stopped dead in her tracks. "Are you two okay?"

I said yes at the same time Hunter said no. Was he not content with my ramble-y, confusing response?  

We looked at each other and he quickly corrected himself. "I mean yes."

Camila stared suspiciously for a second. "Uh..." She pinched her temple. "Es demasisado pronto para las aventuras amorosas de ustedes dos." 

(It's too soon for the love affairs of you two.)

"Love affairs??" I asked, sounding almost accusitory. 

"I said what I said. What's wrong mija?" 

I glanced at Hunter and he slapped his hands over his ears, being able to read the room surprisingly well.

"Me uh.. me preocupa haber leido mal algunas senales porque anoche bese a Hunter y ahora es incomodo."

(I'm worried I misread some signs because last night I kissed Hunter and now it's awkward.)

She raised her eyebrows at me. "Vaya. Besado como?"

(Whoa. Kissed how?)

I pointed to my cheek and she nodded. "Willow, ves la forma en que actua contigo?"

(Willow, do you see the way he around you?)

I shook my head and she put her hands on my shoulders, lowering her voice. "You need to stop worrying. You haven't done anything wrong. You two so obviously like each other, it's almost unbearable. And you're a smart girl, you'll figure it out I'm sure."

She gave me a pat and walked away. 

Hunter removed his hands from his ears and scanned me for a second. What was I supposed to say now? 

"You're a good friend Willow. I trust you." He said, finally before leaving me in the kitchen, just silently taking in the strange silence. 

What was that supposed to mean? I guess it's clear he just likes me as a friend though. Hah. I really should've known. Silly Willow.

Silly, naive Willow.

Silly, naive, stupid Willow.


I laughed, the burning feeling in my throat becoming overwhelming. No, no. Don't start crying over a boy. My Dads taught me better than that. 

I sniffled and choked my feelings down.

- I'm sorry for this chapter. I love you. You'll be okay. -

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